Barry Aycock got the chance of a lifetime at a recent Meet the Candidate dinner in St. Louis, Missouri. He and about 20 constituents were able to have dinner with Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He was one of four from the group who was chosen to ask her questions. His topics were EPA and Agricultural issues.
"I asked her a question about how agriculture is a National Security Interest," stated Aycock who owns AgXplore International in Parma, Missouri. 'Since we had just eaten a good meal and our bellies were full I thought it to be an appropriate question and she answered with an excellent response."
"I think agriculture is a great national security interest since I just voted to get the new Farm Bill passed," Clinton responded. "Food and fiber are quite important in our life."
As she was escorted out of the building by the Secret Service she thanked Mr. Aycock for asking that particular question. "My belly was full like everyone else!" she remarked as she shook his hand.