Local Schools

Ashley Tilley Awarded Scholarship
July 28th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Ashley Tilley Awarded Scholarship
Tilley Awarded Scholarship to attend SEMO

Essex, Missouri - Ashley Tilley has received the Community College Scholarship to attend Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Tilley is married to Aaron Tilley and is the daughter of Billy and Dian Lane of Essex.  She is a 2014 graduate of Richland High School and also attended Three Rivers College.

Last Updated on July 28th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Local Musicians to Present FREE Concert in Dexter
July 27th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Local Musicians to Present FREE Concert in Dexter

Dexter, Missouri - The Southeast Missouri Regional Jazz Orchestra will present their annual summer concert this Friday, July 29 at 6:00pm in the Dexter High School auditorium.  This concert is free and is open to the public.  

The orchestra will perform a variety of musical styles, including toe-tapping jazz/rock fusion songs such as The Chicken and Chuck Mangione’s Land of Make Believe; some classic jazz favorites like In the Mood, Georgia on My Mind, Pennsylvania 6-5000, and April in Paris; and patriotic tunes including The Star-Spangled Banner and our New Orleans-infused version of The Stars and Stripes Forever.

This group is comprised of sixteen area musicians from diverse ages and occupations, including nine teachers, one school superintendent, five college students, and one high school student.  This year’s performers are:

Saxophone Section
Scott Rybolt • Band Director, Dexter High School
Dr. Kyle Dare • Superintendent of Schools, Puxico School District
Pride Wilder • Music Teacher, East Carter School District
Erin Lauters • College Student, Arkansas State University
Aaron Decker • Band Director, Poplar Bluff School District

Trumpet Section

Adam Clark • Third Grade Teacher, Central Elementary School - Dexter
Jeremy Frazier • Band Director, Scott County Central School District
Cody Jinkerson • Band Director, T.S. Hill Middle School - Dexter
Gina Magarian • College Student, Arkansas State University

Trombone Section

Corey Bennett • English Teacher, Dexter High School
Matt Filer • Band Director, Malden School District
Matt Flannigan • College Student, Southeast Missouri State University
Brooks Propst • College Student, Arkansas State University

Rhythm Section

Kyle Clay • Bass Guitar • Band Director, Scott City School District
Addison Moore • Percussion • College Student, University of Central Arkansas
Sam Traxel • Piano • Student, Poplar Bluff High School

The SEMO Jazz Orchestra was founded in the year 2000, and has been performing summer concerts ever since.  This year is our 16th season, and we are thrilled to continue to make music for our audience.  Jazz is America’s original art form, and it is our honor to share it with you.

The concert begins Friday, July 29 at 6:00pm in the auditorium of Dexter High School.  Again, this performance is FREE and open to the public - come spend a hot summer night listening to some cool music.  We look forward to performing for you!

Shown in the photo: Back row, from left: Jeremy Frazier, Adam Clark, Corey Bennett, front row, from left: Erin Lauters, Gina Magarian

Last Updated on July 27th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Three Rivers to Host Trivia Night Fundraiser in Dexter
July 26th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Three Rivers to Host Trivia Night Fundraiser in Dexter

Dexter, Missouri - The Three Rivers Endowment Trust will hold its first Trivia Night fundraiser in the Dexter area at 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 4, at the Hidden Trails Country Club in Dexter.

Tables will be $120 for a six-person team, which includes refreshments during the competition. Proceeds from the event will go toward scholarships for Three Rivers – Dexter students.

“We’ve had great success with the Trivia Night fundraisers in Poplar Bluff, and we felt it was a good time to bring the event to Dexter,” said Michelle Reynolds, Director of Development at Three Rivers. “It’s a great time, with some intense competition, and it’s all for a good cause!”

Registration is now open for Trivia Night teams. To register, contact Michelle Reynolds at michellereynolds@trcc.edu.

Three Rivers Endowment Trust is a 501(c)(3) organization that receives and manages donations on behalf of Three Rivers College. For information on creating or donating to scholarships, building projects, or other college needs, contact the Development Office at 573-840-9077.

Shown in the photo is Michelle Reynolds, Director of Development of Three Rivers College.

Last Updated on July 26th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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T.S. Hill Middle School 8th Grade School Supply List
July 23rd 2016 by Dee Loflin
T.S. Hill Middle School 8th Grade School Supply List

Dexter, Missouri - T.S. Hill Middle School has released the 2016-2017 School Supply List for 8th Grade.  Below is the list for 8th grade as well as general supplies needed physical education and each middle school grade.

Eighth Grade
1 pocket folder with clasp for paper
4 70 page spiral notebooks
TI 4 Multiview or TI 30 XS Multiview calculator
1 blue or black erasable ink pen
2 composition books
2 highlighters
2 2-pocket folders with butterfly clasps in the middle
AP English only-1 literature fair display board
1 pocket folder with clasp
1 highlighter
Advanced Earth Science
1 tri-fold 36”x48” science fair display board
1 1” 3-ring binder white
1 black sharpie
Social Studies
1 3-hole pocket folder
2 70 page spiral bound notebook
1 highlighter

Seventh and Eighth Grade
$5 pottery project fee
1 large pencil eraser
1 pilot G-207 or G-208 black pen
1 box of colored marker bold
Family/Consumer Science (FACS)
1 2 pocket folder
1 yard of fabric for project (details given in class)
1 1.5 or 2” binder
1 two pocket folder
1 70 page spiral notebook
3 pack of index cards
1 highlighter
1 pen and pencil

General Supplies for all grades 6th, 7th and 8th Grade
1 three ring binder that zips, latches, or has Velcro
1 tub of Clorox wipes
1 large box of Kleenex tissues for 1st Hour
2 blue or black ink pens
2 red ink pens
2 packs of loose-leaf notebook paper
1 box of at least ten #2 pencils

Physical Education

Gym shorts or sweatpants – no spandex, shorts must have 3” inseam
t-shirt or sweatshirt
tennis shoes and white socks
master lock provided by the school for gym class

Academic Enrichment-ACE (grades 6-8)
1 pocket folder, pockets attached at the bottom not sides
1 legal size portfolio

Registration packets were mailed last week to current students.  If you do not receive a packet in the mail by Thursday, July 21st please contact Carla or Janet at (573) 614-1000.

Parents and/or guardians are asked to update the information prior to attending Registration Day.  Included are transportation information (bus information sheet), lunch applications, photo packet information, and medical information that will be kept confidential.

Are there new BEARCATS out there? New families will enroll on August 2nd as well.  Please bring proof of residency, birth certificates, and immunization records.  If you do not have these items available please stop in and speak with the staff to get the enrollment process started.

Student photos will also be taken on Registration Day; however you do not have to purchase portrait packages on that day.  Don’t worry if your photo isn’t perfect a picture re-take day will be later in the school year.

Last Updated on July 23rd 2016 by Dee Loflin

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T.S. Hill Middle School 7th Grade School Supply List
July 23rd 2016 by Dee Loflin
T.S. Hill Middle School 7th Grade School Supply List

Dexter, Missouri - T.S. Hill Middle School has released the 2016-2017 School Supply List for 7th Grade.  Below is the list for 7th grade as well as general supplies needed physical education and each middle school grade.

Seventh Grade
1 70 page spiral notebook per quarter
1 pocket folder with clasp for paper
TI 34 Multiview or TI 3 XS Multiview calculator
1 spiral notebook
1 composition notebook (9.75x7.5)
1 pocket folder with butterfly clasps
1 highlighter
1 composition notebook
2 highlighters
1 2 pocket folder
1 1.5 or 2” 3-ring binder hard cover
1 one subject spiral notebook
1 package of highlighters
1 box of colored pencils and sharpener
1 zippered pencil pouch that will fasten in a binder
Tab dividers to organize binder
1 black fine-tip sharpie
2 rolls of scotch tape
Social Studies
1 highlighter
1 3-hole  2-pocket folder
1 70 page spiral notebook

Seventh and Eighth Grade
$5 pottery project fee
1 large pencil eraser
1 pilot G-207 or G-208 black pen
1 box of colored marker bold
Family/Consumer Science (FACS)
1 2 pocket folder
1 yard of fabric for project (details given in class)
1 1.5 or 2” binder
1 two pocket folder
1 70 page spiral notebook
3 pack of index cards
1 highlighter
1 pen and pencil

General Supplies for all grades 6th, 7th and 8th Grade
1 three ring binder that zips, latches, or has Velcro
1 tub of Clorox wipes
1 large box of Kleenex tissues for 1st Hour
2 blue or black ink pens
2 red ink pens
2 packs of loose-leaf notebook paper
1 box of at least ten #2 pencils

Physical Education

Gym shorts or sweatpants – no spandex, shorts must have 3” inseam
t-shirt or sweatshirt
tennis shoes and white socks
master lock provided by the school for gym class

Academic Enrichment-ACE (grades 6-8)
1 pocket folder, pockets attached at the bottom not sides
1 legal size portfolio

Registration packets were mailed last week to current students.  If you do not receive a packet in the mail by Thursday, July 21st please contact Carla or Janet at (573) 614-1000.

Parents and/or guardians are asked to update the information prior to attending Registration Day.  Included are transportation information (bus information sheet), lunch applications, photo packet information, and medical information that will be kept confidential.

Are there new BEARCATS out there? New families will enroll on August 2nd as well.  Please bring proof of residency, birth certificates, and immunization records.  If you do not have these items available please stop in and speak with the staff to get the enrollment process started.

Student photos will also be taken on Registration Day; however you do not have to purchase portrait packages on that day.  Don’t worry if your photo isn’t perfect a picture re-take day will be later in the school year.

Last Updated on July 23rd 2016 by Dee Loflin

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