Dexter, Missouri - Bootheel Counseling Services will host their 15th Annual 4-Person Benefit Golf Scramble at the Hidden Trails Country Club on Friday, July 29th in Dexter.
Tee-off will be at 1:00 p.m. with registration at 12:30 p.m. Cost is $65.00 per person and that will include food, beverages on the course, t-shirts, and door prizes.
Golf cars will also be available for $30 each and must be requested by Thursday, July 21st.
For more information or sign up for the golf tournament please contact Jennifer Hartlein at (573) 471-0800 or DeNeen Schweiss at (573) 568-2260.
Proceeds from the golf tournament will be utilized to improve mental health services in our communities.

O'Fallon, Missouri - The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reports that James Lucas of O’Fallon became the most recent record-breaking angler in Missouri when he caught a hybrid striped bass on the Mississippi River.
The new “alternative method” record hybrid striped bass caught by Lucas on April 22 weighed 8-pounds, 6-ounces with a length of 24 3/4 inches and a girth of 18 1/2 inches. Lucas caught the fish with a throwline in one of his honey holes. MDC staff verified the record-weight fish using a certified scale in O’Fallon.
“I’m really excited that I caught this fish,” said Lucas. “I have been trying for over a month and a half to set this record with a throwline, and I’m just really glad all my practice finally paid off.”
Lucas added fishing with a throwline isn’t easy; it takes a lot of practice to get it down.
“I was able to locate the fish and get over the hybrid striped bass and drop my line. Then the fight was on. The striped bass put up a decent fight, but once I got him on the bank, I got that gut feeling I had the record,” he said. “I didn’t know for sure until I talked with MDC and they confirmed it.”
Lucas is familiar with state-record fish. He holds a state record for the skipjack herring in the alternative method category, which he broke on April 8.
“You haven’t heard the last of me,” he said. “I hope to set many more state records in the future. As for this fish, I plan on mounting it and putting it on the wall with the others.”
Missouri state-record fish are recognized in two categories: pole-and-line and alternative methods. Alternative methods include: throwlines, trotlines, limb lines, bank lines, jug lines, spearfishing, snagging, snaring, gigging, grabbing, archery, and atlatl.

Dexter, Missouri - T.S. Hill Middle School's football season is just around the corner. Beginning Monday, July 18th - Thursday, July 21st athletes will report to the 2016 Middle School Football Camp.
The camp will be from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. each evening. Athletes should wear tennis shoes and t-shirts. They should also drink plenty of liquids prior to camp as the temperatures are going to be in the mid to upper 90s all week.
2016 T.S. Hill Middle School Football Schedule:
September 1st Doniphan (home) 5:00 p.m. 8th grade only
September 6th NMCC (away) 5:00 p.m. 7th and 8th grade
September 8th Malden (away) 6:00 p.m. 7th and 8th grade
September 13th East Prairie (away) 5:30 p.m. 7th grade only
September 22nd Sikeston (home) 5:00 p.m. 7th and 8th grade
September 27th Caruthersville (home) 5:00 p.m. 7th and 8th grade
September 29th Kennett (home) 5:00 p.m. 7th and 8th grade
October 6th Portageville (away) 5:00 p.m. 8th grade only

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Lions Club held their 16th annual Charity Golf Tournament on Friday, July 15, 2016 at the Hidden Trails Country Club.
Forty teams competed in the friendly scramble. Shooting seventeen under par and winning the Championship Flight was Chris Harris, Nate Stevens, Cody Stevens and Ethan Stevens.
Closest to the pin awards were given out, for hole #4 Dexter Superintendent Mitch Wood won, on Hole #6 Ethan Stevens won, hole #14 Chad Woolridge won and Ethan Stevens picked up one more on hole #17.
The Dexter Lions Golf Tournament is a premier golfing event known for their fried chicken wings donated from Tyson Foods each year.
The Dexter Lions Club, spends an estimated $1,000.00 each month on eye exams and glasses largely for school aged children. They give out Scholarships, send kids to Boys State, Girls State and donate to worthy causes in the local community.
The Golf Tournament along with selling Funnel Cakes and an Annual Waffle Day are their three main fundraisers.
Long time Lion, Steve Yeager said this event is looked forward to, by members and golfers each year as a great way to catch up on relationships that have been formed all for a worthy cause.

Bernie, Missouri - The 2016 Bernie Basketball Camp is slated for Monday, July 18th - Wednesday, July 20th at the High School gym.
Both boys and girls entering 3rd grade - 8th grade may participate. Athletes do not have to attend Bernie School District to be eligible to attend.
Students entering grades 3rd - 5th will have their session from 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m..
Students entering grades 6th - 8th will be held from 10:30 a.m. - noon each day.
The cost for the camp is $25.00. Camp t-shirts will also be distributed.
Athletes are to wear clean tennis shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt each day.
They will learn ball handling, shooting, defense, rebounding, and passing. In addition to those fundamentals there will be daily scrimmages.
Each age group will also have daily contests of different skills and an overall camp winner at the end on Wednesday will be announced.
Parents are encouraged to come the last day of the camp to watch the final contests.
For more information or if you are unable to pay the entry fee, please contact Brad Botsch at (573) 293-5334 ext 232 (school) or (573) 276-8305 (cell) or email to botschb@bernie.k12.mo.us. You may also contact Jason Long at (573) 293-5334 (school) or email to longj@bernie.k12.mo.us.