
Stoddard County Children's Home Receives Generous Donation
July 15th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Children's Home Receives Generous Donation

Bloomfield, Missouri - Farmers Insurance presented a check in the amount of $10,000 to the Stoddard County Children's Home in Bloomfield.

Pictured seated on the front row:  Judi Boyle, Jim Russell and Pat Crane; Back row:  Lauren Mayer, Jim Tweedy, Lina Gibbs, Mike Hill, Andrew Stuever, Marissa VanGennip, Linda Sams, Clay Hurst, Janine Ballin and Melinda Masters.  Hill, Stuever, VanGennip and Hurst are all Farmers Insurance representatives and everyone else is with the Stoddard County Children's Home.

Clay Hurst, Farmers Insurance District Manager stated that all of the Farmers Insurance agents in the various communities of Stoddard County, are very thankful and appreciative to be able to represent Farmers Insurance; a company committed to investing into the communities we serve.

"We have each personally donated to the Children's Home in the past, and will continue to do so."

After informal conversations with the board members present, Hurst indicated the agents are even more impressed with the services that this great organization provides to the children and families of Stoddard county and thanked the Children's Home board members and administrators for their hard work and dedication in serving the county in this capacity.

Photo and information submitted by James Tweedy.

Last Updated on July 15th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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