Faith Matters

Daily Devotional - Reflecting on God's Faithfulness
July 13th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Daily Devotional - Reflecting on God's Faithfulness

Lamentations 3:22-23

Our heavenly Father is always faithful to keep His promises. We can be certain of this because He made them based upon His unchanging character and His Son Jesus Christ. (See Heb. 6:13-14.)

Many times over the years, I have been the beneficiary of God’s faithfulness to His Word. For example, Romans 10:13 says, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” At age 12, I trusted in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Despite my lack of knowledge about all that was in the Bible, I recognized I was a sinner. Once I trusted the Lord to forgive my sins, He saved me, just as His Word said He would.

Around age 14, I began thinking about my future and wondering what direction it would take. On the basis of God’s promises, I believed He would speak to me and reveal His plans for my life (Ps. 16:11)

In time God made it clear that He wanted me to become a preacher, so I began putting money away for college. My source of income was a paper route, which meant my savings account grew by very small increments. When I looked at its balance, I didn’t see how I could ever afford to enroll.

The Lord then brought Proverbs 3:5-6 to life for me. He orchestrated a series of events that led to my receiving a full scholarship. If I had depended on my own thinking, I might have given up on my dream of college. But instead, I trusted in Him, and He provided what I needed to fulfill His plan.

Think about how God has worked in your life. What testimony could you give of His faithfulness to you?

Last Updated on July 13th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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