
ShowMe Times July Calendar Girl Miss Cymber Arnold
July 03rd 2016 by Dee Loflin
ShowMe Times July Calendar Girl Miss Cymber Arnold

Bernie, Missouri - Cymber Arnold has been chosen as the 2016 ShowMe Times July Calendar Girl!

Cymber is the 15-year old daughter of Derik and Casey Arnold and Tommy and and Lacey Winchester.

She received 1st Alternate in the 2016 Miss Bernie Pageant and is currently the reigning Miss Stoddard County!

Cymber is active in volleyball, softball, cheerleading, BETA, FBLA, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Bernie High School.  She will be a sophomore in August.

Her future plans are to attend Harding University after high school and obtain a degree in the medical field.

Congratulations Miss Cymber Arnold!

Photo by Norman Swafford Photography!

Last Updated on July 03rd 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Patriotic Parade for Kids on the 4th of July
July 03rd 2016 by Dee Loflin
Patriotic Parade for Kids on the 4th of July

Dexter, Missouri - Small towns are wonderful especially this time of year and you can't get more American than a hometown kids' Patriotic Parade!!

Now in its 24th year, the Fourth of July Patriotic Parade for kids will be held on Monday, July 4th at 10:00 a.m.  This annual parade will begin at the corner of Elm and Vine streets in downtown Dexter.

The “just for kids” parade was started by Janice Barney, Lisa Greer and Jean Rahm.  The parade leadership has passed to a new generation, as Kristina and Jason Banken, now host the holiday parade each year.  The Bankens began hosting the parade 10 years ago, and have continued to build upon the Independence Day tradition.

The parade will follow its traditional route down Elm Street to Stoddard Street with kids on bicycles, tricycles, wagons, scooters, golf carts, on foot or in strollers.   You may even see a few patriotic dogs in the parade.

The youngsters guided by Uncle Sam will gather on the steps of the U.S. Post Office on Stoddard Street to salute the American Flag with the Pledge of Allegiance.  They will sing a few patriotic songs and pose for those ever-lasting photos.

The parade will get moving again, east down Stoddard Street to Poplar Street, where it will turn south at the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) back to Vine Street and turn west returning to the Bankens’ front yard where they will be treated to lemonade and a small snack.

Children are invited to participate.  They may walk or bring their bikes and other means of transportation for the parade.  Parking will be available for grown-ups in the city parking lot on Vine Street across from the Dexter Municipal Building.

Last Updated on July 03rd 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Bloomfield Library Open House Set for Saturday
June 24th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield Library Open House Set for Saturday

Bloomfield, Missouri - Lt. Governor Peter Kinder will be on hand to mark the Open House and dedicate the remodeling of the Bloomfield Public Library.  The event will be held on Saturday, June 25th from 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Local businessman Norman Harty made possible the renovations with his generous monetary donation and will be on hand to mark the dedication.

A tour of the library will be provided by library personnel and refreshments will also be served.

The public is invited and encouraged to attend.  The Bloomfield Library is located at 200 W. Seneca Street.  For more information call the library at (573) 568-3626.

Last Updated on June 24th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Mayor Joe Weber Named as 2016 Veterans Service Award Winner
June 20th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Mayor Joe Weber Named as 2016 Veterans Service Award Winner

Dexter, Missouri - Joe Weber has proudly served Dexter as Mayor for 14 years.  He established the Stoddard county Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) and the city's longest business downtown reflects his family's name, Weber's Ben Franklin Store. He also served in the Air Force serving in the Korean War.

On Wednesday Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder announced the winners of the 2016 Veterans Service Awards. Weber was selected from over 100 nominees for this special honor.  He was nominated by Hillary Starnes, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce in Dexter.

Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder announced 34 winners of the 2016 Lieutenant Governor’s Veterans Service Award, which recognizes Missouri veterans who provide exemplary volunteer service to their communities.

Kinder started the award in 2012 and has received more than 700 nominations from around the state. Winners will be honored with an official declaration from the lieutenant governor. “One of the greatest honors I have as Missouri’s lieutenant governor is recognizing and honoring the service our veterans provide their families, friends, and neighbors in our great state,” Kinder said. “Once again, we had an exceptional group of nominations this year, and I look forward to meeting these hometown heroes and getting to know them a bit better.

It truly is an honor to be able to shine the spotlight on their stories of sacrifice and service to their communities. Not only did these veterans answer the call to serve their country, but all our nominees continue to inspire others back home with their volunteerism.”

The winners and their nominators are:

Eastern Missouri Winners

Joe Clark of Canton
(RSVP at Douglass Community Services)
Bill Henson of Farmington
(Andrew Moore, disabled Veterans’ Representative for the Missouri Department of
Economic Development)
Ralph Maxwell of Potosi
(Francis Sancegraw, commander of VFW Post 6996 in Potosi)
Bobby McIntyre of Old Monroe
(American Legion Post 323 in Wentzville)
Carl Neupert of Wentzville
(Missouri Rep. John McCaherty of High Ridge)
Ronn Pashia of Hannibal
(Missouri Rep. Lindell Shumake of Hannibal)
Joseph Paulter of Union
(Catherine Christensen, administrator of the Union Senior Center)
James Price of Mill Springs
(Charles Carter of Mill Springs)
Benjamin Tanner of Sikeston
(Missouri Rep. Holly Rehder of Sikeston)
Rochelle Webber-Williams of St. Louis
(The Rev. Everett Thomas, mayor of Northwoods)
Joe Weber of Dexter
(Dexter Chamber of Commerce)

Rick Weirich of St. Clair
(Missouri Rep. Dave Hinson of St. Clair)
Elson Williams of St. Louis
(St. Louis Vet Center)
Dale “Woody” Woodard of St. Ann
(Elizabeth Pawloski of the Oasis Institute in St. Louis)

Last Updated on June 20th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Liberty Township Receives Hall of Fame Award
June 16th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Liberty Township Receives Hall of Fame Award

Dexter, Missouri - Countywide Insurance presented the Hall of Fame Award for excellence in accident prevention to Liberty Township Thursday, June 16, 2016.

The distinguished Hall of Fame Award was from Missouri Rural Services Workers Compensation Insurance Trust for Liberty Township’s excellence in accident prevention for a performance period from April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2015.

Liberty Township in Stoddard County is honored to receive this prestigious award, which recognizes the outstanding safety practices of its employees over a sustained period.

Missouri Rural Services was established in 1980 and provides a complete package insurance policy specifically designed for public entities. More than 2,500 public entities and not-for-profit organizations participate in the Missouri Rural Services programs.

Shown in the photo front row from left to right are: Rick Anthony, Joy Sills, Ricky Stearns, Sharon McCord, Countywide Ins., and Tish Gentry, Countywide Ins.  Back row from left to right are Terry Battles, Ed Crow, and Alan Hedrick, owner of Countywide Insurance.

Last Updated on June 16th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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