Dexter, Missouri - Small towns are wonderful especially this time of year and you can't get more American than a hometown kids' Patriotic Parade!!
Now in its 24th year, the Fourth of July Patriotic Parade for kids will be held on Monday, July 4th at 10:00 a.m. This annual parade will begin at the corner of Elm and Vine streets in downtown Dexter.
The “just for kids” parade was started by Janice Barney, Lisa Greer and Jean Rahm. The parade leadership has passed to a new generation, as Kristina and Jason Banken, now host the holiday parade each year. The Bankens began hosting the parade 10 years ago, and have continued to build upon the Independence Day tradition.
The parade will follow its traditional route down Elm Street to Stoddard Street with kids on bicycles, tricycles, wagons, scooters, golf carts, on foot or in strollers. You may even see a few patriotic dogs in the parade.
The youngsters guided by Uncle Sam will gather on the steps of the U.S. Post Office on Stoddard Street to salute the American Flag with the Pledge of Allegiance. They will sing a few patriotic songs and pose for those ever-lasting photos.
The parade will get moving again, east down Stoddard Street to Poplar Street, where it will turn south at the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) back to Vine Street and turn west returning to the Bankens’ front yard where they will be treated to lemonade and a small snack.
Children are invited to participate. They may walk or bring their bikes and other means of transportation for the parade. Parking will be available for grown-ups in the city parking lot on Vine Street across from the Dexter Municipal Building.