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Three Rivers College Announces New Dean of Instruction
June 15th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Three Rivers College Announces New Dean of Instruction

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Three Rivers College has announced the promotion of Justin Hoggard to Dean of Instruction, where he will be responsible for all of the college’s for-credit academic and career education classes. Hoggard, who was previously Chair of the Social Science Department and Title III Director, will assume his new position on July 1.

“I am excited about this opportunity. It will be different from the teaching responsibilities I have had at Three Rivers,” said Hoggard. “In the end, it is still about providing a quality educational experience for our students and adding to the 50 years of service the College has provided to this region.”

Hoggard was hired at Three Rivers in 2000 as a faculty member in the Social Science Department. He became Chair of the Social Science Department in 2012, and Director of the college’s Title III programs in 2014. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science and a Master’s Degree in History from Arkansas State University, and is in the final stages of the Education Leadership doctoral program at William Woods University.

Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.

Shown in the photo is Justin Hoggard, a Paragould, Arkansas, resident, has been chosen as Dean of Instruction for Three Rivers College. He will be responsible for all of the college’s for-credit academic and career education classes.

Last Updated on June 15th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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