Local Schools

Students Show Good Behavior and Earn POR Awards
June 06th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Students Show Good Behavior and Earn POR Awards

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honors Kindergarten students Molli McFarlen, Faith Midkiff, Yoselin Fino, Karis Kennedy, Payton Proctor, and Kira Winters with the Positive Office Referral certificate.

This award is presented to students who consistently show the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN at Southwest Elementary in Dexter.

Molli McFarlen is in the first grade classroom of Mrs. Kennedy.  "Molli is a great student that always does her best.  She has neat work and loves to learn!"

Faith Midkiff is also in the first grade classroom of Mrs. Kennedy.  "Faith is a role model student.  She is a wonderful listener, great friend and a hard worker."

Yoselin Fino is in the first grade classroom of Mrs. Hutchcraft and was referred by Mrs. Jarrell.  "Yoselin always comes to group ready to learn.  She has a smile on her face and works hard on every activity."

Karis Kennedy is in the second grade classroom of Mrs. Nelson and was referred by Mr. Eldreth.  "Karis always shows the 3Rs.  She is a great role model for her peers, is always willing to help others in any way, and has great leadership skills."

Payton Proctor is in the first grade classroom of Mrs. Kennedy.  "Payton shows 3Rs everyday.  He is a great student who always goes above and beyond what is expected!"

Kira Winters is in the second grade classroom of Mrs. Mick.  "Kira is a very good natured student.  She always has a smile on her face!"

Shown in the photo front row from left to right: Karis Kennedy, Payton Proctor, and Kira Winters.  Back row from left to right Molli McFarlen, Faith Midkiff, and Yoselin Fino.

Last Updated on June 06th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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