Dexter, Missouri - The 16th Annual Ben Kruse 18 FORE Life Banquet and Golf Event are slated for Friday, June 3rd and Saturday, June 4th. The annual banquet will feature Rocky Bleier at the Dexter Elks Lodge on Friday evening.
Bleier is a former Pittsburgh Steelers halfback and four-time Super Bowl Champion. After his 1968 rookie season he was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. On August 20, 1969 while on patrol he was wounded in the left thigh by an enemy rifle bullet when his platoon was ambushed in a rice paddy. While he was down, an enemy grenade landed nearby and after bouncing off a fellow soldier sent shrapnel into his lower right leg. He actually lost part of his right foot in the blast. He was awarded the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. Bleier rejoined the Steelers in 1971.
The 18 FORE Life organization raises money and distributes gifts in the amount of $1,000 to people battling cancer. This year the charity is expected to give out their 2 millionth dollar!
"This is our 16th year and if it goes as planned," commented Scott Kruse, "We should send out our $2 millionth dollar by the end of 2016."
"We have been blessed with amazing support from this community and beyond," continued Kruse. "We have people attending the banquet and golf tournament from Oregon, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida and all in between. We even have folks flying in from Germany and Japan! I am honored and humbled by the support."
Right now there are about 60 names on the waiting list for donations this year and the numbers are rising. That's $60,000 that will be sent out shortly.