Dexter, Missouri - The second grade classroom of LeeAnn Nelson earned the Southwest Elementary Positive Behavioral Support Reward Flag.
School Wide Positive Behavioral Support (SWPBS) award is presented at the start of each month at Southwest Elementary. One classroom in each grade is recognized for exhibiting the high character with regard to observing the school's 3R's.
The 3R's stand for being Respectful, Ready to Learn and Responsible. The class with the highest attendance average, combined with the fewest disciplinary measures and general good character are awarded a 3R red flag to be posted in their classroom for the next month. The students are also awarded "superhero" capes to wear and parade around the gym before returning to class.
Shown in the photos from left to right: Front Row: Nolan Lacy, Libertie Watkins, Katie Austin, Cloe Reynolds, and Graci Logan-Moss.
Middle: Tara Pullum, Meredith Nea, Emily Bolin, Jaylyn Lindemann, Eli Scott, Levi Kestner, and Landen Lacy.
Back: Mrs. Nelson, Lucy Thornton, Carter Stone, Alex Munoz, Karis Kennedy, Trever Porter, and Rhett Wamble.