
Dexter Residents Earn Awards
April 04th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Residents Earn Awards

Dexter, Missouri - At the Missouri State Society Children of the American Revolution Conference held March 12-13 in Columbia, MO, three Dexter residents won awards.

Tyler Stevenson, Dexter High School senior won 1st place in the State Chaplain’s contest and 1st place  in the State American History contest. The American History contest was for the best narrative on a teenage participant in the Battle of Bunker Hill.

Walker Jarrell a first  grade student at Southwest Elementary won 2nd place in the State Treasurer’s contest (10 & younger) and 1st place in the State National President’s contest (10 & younger).

Weston Jarrell, student at Small Wonders, won 2nd place in the State National President’s contest (Peewee).

Walker and Weston are the sons of Brad and Sarah Jarrell of Dexter.

Tyler is the son of Kay Stevenson of Dexter and Keith Stevenson of Theodosia, Missouri.

If you would like more information on Children of the American Revolution, you can contact Kay Stevenson at kaystevenson82@gmail.com.

Shown in the photo from left to right are Weston Jarrell, Tyler Stevenson and Walker Jarrell.

Last Updated on April 04th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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