Faith Matters

Daily Devotional - Purging Pride
February 23rd 2016 by Dee Loflin
Daily Devotional - Purging Pride

1 Peter 5:1-7

To humble ourselves, we must first be willing to detect pride in our heart. But recognizing it isn't the same as getting rid of it. Here are several common areas of pride and some solutions for dealing with them.

Possessions. Start giving things away. We can begin by honoring God with our tithe. He promises that our nine-tenths will go farther than ten-tenths. The next step is to give to someone in need who can give nothing in return. But don't parade your generosity around; keep it as secret as you can (Matt. 6:1-4).

Position. Acknowledge that whatever you have accomplished, God has done it for you (Isa. 26:12). Then ask Him to show you an area of service that has no rank or credit. Knowing that the Lord values every kind of service, we shouldn't hesitate to request a place that is lower than we're accustomed to. Our position in this world matters only to the extent that we use it to glorify God (James 1:9-11).

Privilege. Realize that many things you may take pride in come through privilege. None of us is truly "self-made"; no matter how hard you've worked, others have made sacrifices to allow you the opportunities and freedoms you enjoy. Remember, it is actually God's grace that has blessed you with whatever knowledge you may credit yourself for having.

No matter what kind of pride we deal with, we must take the focus off of ourselves, turning it first to God and then to others. When we are willing to confront our pride actively, God will replace it with a spirit of humility that fits who we are in Christ.

Last Updated on February 23rd 2016 by Dee Loflin

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