Local Schools

Dexter Public School Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, February 16, 2016
February 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Public School Board Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter School Board along with superintendent Mitch Wood met for a scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, February 16, 2016.

Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge  The Board President, Kevin Bishop, announced the meeting is to begin, all members were present except for Rick Williams.  Bishop lead in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Consent Agenda   The (Amended) Consent Agenda was approved; the minutes of January 19thwere approved.  Motion carried 6-0

Public Comments 

CTA – Mrs. Simmons spoke on the scholarships available and the retirement tea presented by the CTA.

Requests to address Board -- none

Correspondence – A thank you note from Mrs. Peggy Currie was read thanking the board, staff and community for the retirement reception.

6.  Old Business

A.   The Board approved MSBA Policy IKF:  This is the Graduation Requirement policy that allows vocational students to earn academic credit through vocational classes.  Motion carried 6-0

B.   The Board approved revised Calendar for 2016-17:  This was a revised calendar with the corrected dates for President’s Day and winter break.  Motion carried 6-0

7.  New Business

A.   The board approved the extension renewal agreement with Opaa Food Service for the 2016-17 school year: Motion Carried 6-0

B.   The board approved a football scoreboard lease agreement for 2016-17 with Daktronics:  They will enter into a five year lease for 0% to purchase a new football scoreboard.  This will be paid entirely with sponsorship from community businesses, district monies will not be used.  Motion Carried 6-0 

C.   The board approved a paper bid from Premier Paper & Packaging for 840 cases of paper @ $22.46 ea. for a total of $18,866.40.  Motion Carried 6-0.

D.   The board accepted a mowing bid from “A Cut Above Lawn Care LLC” for the following prices per mowing:  Motion Carried 6-0. 

2016 -$1,570         2017 - $1,940         2018 - $1,940.


A.   Nurses’ Report:  The monthly caseload was submitted by high school nurse Linda Milam.

B.   Facilities Update:  Mr. Wood gave an update on facilities in the District.  A replacement of the roof on SW Elementary was postponed because no issues have been reported with this roof and it was decided to not spend the $250,000 on a roof that isn’t showing signs of damage at this time.  Mr. Wood stated, we’ll continue yearly inspections of the roof and if a problem occurs we’ll address it at that time.

C.   March regular Board meeting: The next scheduled board meeting is March 15th

D.  Principal’s Report: Building administrators from Southwest, Central, Middle School and High School gave a report on happenings in their building.

In Executive Closed Session:

The Board approved 3 Additions to the Substitute Teacher List

Natalie Wiseman Davis, Connie Hampton, Kathy Sturgess

The Board accepted the resignation notice from High School Cheerleading sponsor Michelle Kirkley

The Board accepted the resignation from High School Cook Mary Kay McGhee.

The Board hired the following personnel for 2016-17 school year:

Sara Jones:                                      Central Music teacher.

Sharon Guy:                                      HS Business teacher.

Rilee Jones:                                      HS English teacher.

Jessica Muckerman-Presson:          MS Reading teacher.

Kevin Goltra:           Weight Lifting-Football Coach-JH Wrestling.

The Board approved Angie Duncan as the Summer School Administrator for 2016.

Last Updated on February 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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