Bloomfield, Missouri - The Bloomfield Wildcats held their annual Homecoming tonight against the Holcomb Hornets. Junior Homecoming Candidates were Breanna Bemister and Joe Clary.
Breanna is the daughter of Bobby and Lisa Bemister.
She is active in Future Business Leaders of America, Pep Club, and Beta.
Her hobbies are drag racing and traveling to different racks to meet new people.
After graduation from high school she plans to earn a pre-physical therapy degree at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, Arkansas, then transfer to Missouri State University to finish her therapy degree.
Joe is the son of Charles and Mandy Clary. He is active in Future Farmers of America and Future Business Leaders of America.
He is also a member of the Bloomfield Wildcats Basketball and Baseball Teams.
His hobbies include playing pickle ball, volleyball, football, soccer, tennis, and swimming.
Joe is just hoping to make it to graduation next year! I would say he is undecided at this time!
Photo credit to Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times Manager/Editor.