
Dexter Chamber 2015 Organization of the Year

Dexter Chamber 2015 Organization of the Year

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Chamber of Commerce held their annual awards banquet on Saturday evening. 

Chris Brannan said, " Dexter has several great organizations that do a lot of community service.  We had several nominations turned in this year."

"The committee narrowed it down to three very active and well deserved nominees: Relay for Life of Stoddard County, Dexter Lions Club, and Star Banner 4-H of Dexter."

1.  Relay for Life has been raising money to fight cancer since 2004.  In 2005, over $81,000 was raised to provide services and life saving research to cancer patients in Stoddard County.  This year they are going to strive to hit the $1 million mark of funds raised within Stoddard County.  Their annual event is huge and brings positive attention to Stoddard county.

2.  Dexter Lions Club does tons of work for Dexter.  They provide and pay for the school children's eye exams and also provide eye exams and glasses for others in nee.  They hand out two $1,500 scholarships to students, they pay for the student athletes to play in state all-star games and donated 3 Lion water fountains to the city parks.  they also donate annually to the Wreaths Across America, Stoddard County Children's Home, Boy Scouts, Boys state and Girls State, after Prom activities, Truck or Treat, Mid South Lions Sight and Hearing and the Kenny Rogers Telethon.  They have fundraising events, such as their annual golf tournament, Waffle Day, and sell funnel cakes at the Stoddard County Fair.  They are very active and we appreciate their work.

3.  The Star Banner 4-H of Dexter program completes several community service projects throughout the year.  They go to nursing homes for holiday visits, play Bingo, go caroling, and deliver food baskets.  They have also done several other projects like Wreaths Across America, had a haunted house, and participate in the Stoddard County Fair.  Each student chooses to participate in speech contest, livestock, entrepreneurship, workmanship, or political involvement to obtain their service hours.  These students are learning viable skills before graduating from school.

The 2015 Organization of the Year Award goes to the Dexter Lions Club.

Photo credit to Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times Manager/Editor.

Written by Dee Loflin
Date: January 30th 2016
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