Local Schools
ShowMe Times Cheer Spotlight - Macy Graves
January 28th 2016 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, Missouri - The ShowMe Times would like to spotlight Dexter Cheerleader Macy Graves.
Macy is a junior at Dexter High School and is the 17-year old daughter of Michelle Kirkley and Chris Graves.
She is a member of Dexter Honor Society, Top Ten Percent, Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Future Farmers of America.
Macy is a member of First Baptist Church of Dexter and works at Dexter Parks & Recreation.She plans to attend a university to pursue a bachelors and perhaps a master's degree as well in a field she has not quite decided on.
Macy has been cheering five years at Dexter Schools and six years of All-Star Cheer.
This week she has been cheering at the Stoddard County Athletic Association boys basketball tournament.
Last Updated on January 28th 2016 by Dee Loflin