Elks Essay Contest Winners - Division II
January 20th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Elks Essay Contest Winners - Division II  ShowMe Times

Dexter, Missouri - The Elks Lodge in Dexter sponsors an American Essay Contest each year.  This year the topic was, "What I Can Do to Promote Americanism and Love of Country."

Elks Americanism Chairperson Randy Northington presented three students with awards for their essays.  Division II (7th and 8th grade students) First Place are AnnMarie Long, Second Place Blair Rogers, and Third Place McKayla Maze. 

Winners will be entered at the District Level, if they are successful, then the State Level of competition.  

Below is T.S. Hill Middle School 8th grader, AnnMarie Long's essay.  She won first place.  Her essay is entitled, "What can I do to promote Americanism and Love of Country."

There are many ways to promote Americanism and love of country.  Most of the ways I can promote Americanism are relatively simple.  Here are a few ways.


I can promote Americanism and love of country by teaching children more about America.  Kids need to know how great our country is and how we have all of these amazing rights that we wouldn’t have if we lived in another country.  We take for granted all of the lovely things we have here in the United States.  Children don’t know why we have these things and how lucky we are to have them.  if we don’t teach kids how lucky they are now, how will they tell their kids when they’re older?  This is one way I can promote Americanism and love of country.


Another way I can promote Americanism and love of country is by showing the people who served our country that we appreciate everything that they’ve done.  We should do this to thank them for protecting our country.


I can also promote Americanism and love of country by respecting all of the symbols for our country.  This is an easy way to promote Americanism.  I can do this by taking off my hat during the National Anthem or the Pledge of Allegiance.  I can also do this by not talking badly about the flag or the National Anthem.  We can all do these things


These are all ways I can promote Americanism and love of country.  We all need to try to promote our love of our awesome country.

Last Updated on January 20th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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