
City of Dexter Honors Employees with 20 Year Service Awards
January 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin
City of Dexter Honors Employees with 20 Year Service Awards

Dexter, Missouri - The city of Dexter honored employees at a recent luncheon with 20 Year Municipal Service Awards.  Greg Lintz and Eugene McConnell, both of the Dexter Fire Department were given framed certificates for 20 years as city employees.

Greg Lintz is a Lieutenant with the Dexter Fire Department and began his career with the city on April 1, 1995.  Eugene McConnell began his career with the city on July 3, 1995.

Shown in the photo from left to right are Greg Lintz and Eugene McConnell.

Photo credit to Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times Manager/Editor.  

Last Updated on January 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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2016 Stoddard County Real Estate Board Selected
January 14th 2016 by Dee Loflin
2016 Stoddard County Real Estate Board Selected

Dexter, Missouri - At the 2015 Christmas Party, the Stoddard County Real Estate group inducted the 2016 Board Officers and Directors.  

President is Kelly Medley; Vice-President is Rachel Strickland; Secretary is Alisha Trammell and Treasurer is Mary Worley.  

The 2016 Board of Directors are Linda Collier, Sherry Burnett, and Melanie Miller.

Last Updated on January 14th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Young Real Estate LLC Awards Top Associates
January 13th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Young Real Estate LLC Awards Top Associates

Dexter, Missouri - Young Real Estate LLC recently presented awards to their top associates in recognition of their expertise and efforts.  There were six multi-million dollar producers in 2015!

Pictured from left to right are Linda Collier, Lori Bishop, Sherri Holifield, Rachel Strickland, and Karen Cook.  Not available for photo was Ryan Holden.

Congratulations ladies!  They are some very awesome real estate agents.  Who wouldn't want to purchase their home from them?  Young Real Estate is located on Business 60 in Dexter.

Last Updated on January 13th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Linda Collier Earns 2015 Top Producer Award
January 13th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Linda Collier Earns 2015 Top Producer Award - ShowMe Times

Dexter, Missouri - Local realtor Linda Collier was recognized by Young Real Estate LLC as the 2015 Top Producer Award.  Six producers at Young Real Estate were Multi-Million Dollar Producers. 

"Linda has been in the business for many years and as an agent she stays in touch with everyone. Linda is just a wonderful person and we are blessed to have her with our company," commented Leslie Kyle,Managing broker of Young Real Estate LLC. "We are very proud of her and her accomplishments."  

Congratulations Linda!  The Dexter community is extremely proud to have you and we look forward to your many years in real estate!

Young Real Estate LLC is located on U.S. Business 60 in Dexter, Missouri.  

Last Updated on January 13th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Jeff Hueckel Chosen as Dexter Fireman of the Year
January 11th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Jeff Hueckel Chosen as Dexter Fireman of the Year

Dexter, Missouri - Each year the Dexter Fire Department employees vote on a Fireman of the Year.  The 2015 recipient for Fireman of the Year is Jeff Hueckel.  

Allan Horton, a veteran firefighter, presented the award to Hueckel at their annual Christmas party. 

"Due to his dedication and hard work his fellow fireman felt he deserved this award," commented Don Seymore, Dexter Fire Chief.  "He has put in a lot of work and effort and a huge amount of hours during his time off for training and classes.  He is a very dedicated individual.

Jeff is married to Megan Hueckel have been happily married for 7 years.  They have two wonderful children, Hunter age 8 and Sydney age 4.

He and his wife live in Dexter, her home town, and Jeff who is originally from the Essex area worked for the Essex Fire Department and continues to farm that part of the county.  He has been a fireman for more than 11 years; six years with Essex and almost five years with Dexter.  He will celebrate his 5th year at the Dexter Fire Department in April of 2016.

Congratulations Jeff Hueckel!  He is Dexter's 2015 Fireman of the Year!

Photo credit to Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times Manager/Editor.  Shown in the photo are Allan Horton (left) and Jeff Hueckel (right)

Last Updated on January 11th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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