BREAKING NEWS! BREAKING NEWS! The ShowMe Times has been working very hard the last couple of weeks to bring you the latest in Classified Advertising! We turn 5 years old on February 1, 2016 and we have many more exciting announcements ahead! We can't wait to share them with you and our wonderful community!
Do you have something to sell or perhaps you are looking for something to buy? ShowMe Times has it all! We have four categories For Sale, Real Estate, Jobs & Services, and Community.
Items for sale can be anything from antiques to musical instruments to home décor! Want to advertise your Garage Sale or Yard Sale this is the place to do it! Why? Because it’s all FREE! That’s right you can put your ad on ShowMe Times classifieds for free!!!
For Sale by Owner, no problem, just snap a few photos, set up your account and your home will be sold quick and easy!
Need to hire someone to mow your yard or perhaps shovel your driveway, go to ShowMe Times Classifieds and find the right person to do the job!
Are you a local club or organization that needs to get the word out? Place your flyer under Community.
To list an item, set up your account and complete the submission form with a description of the item, photo, asking price, contact information, and then submit your ad for posting on the website. Simple and easy to use!
You can reach over 5,500 people rather quickly and more will come once the word gets out that ShowMe Times has Classifieds!
We are pretty excited to bring this to our community and at no cost to you, our faithful followers! We love our community and we want you to have a local, classified advertising outlet, free and available 24/7/365.
Get started NOW by clicking HERE. Just Register for a FREE Account and begin!! Fast, easy, and fun!