Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter School Board along with superintendent Mitch Wood met for a scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 2015.
Miss. Irene Huang, State Beta Club President gave a brief speech thanking them for their continued support and shared some of her experiences over the past year as she had served as president.
4. Consent Agenda The (Amended) Consent Agenda was approved: the minutes of the November 17 meeting; the payment of bills, and a budget amendment. Motion carried 6-0.
5. Public Comments
CTA – CTA representative – Mrs. Simmons
Requests to address Board -- none
Correspondence – A thank you note was received from Cathy Sturgeon
Recognition of Guests – Mr. Wood recognized the MS Beta Club and told them how proud he was of how they represented the school and community.
6. Old Business
A. The Board approved MSBA Policies DL, GBCB and KKB that were discussed during the November meeting. Motion carried 6-0
7. New Business
A. The Board approved transfers from Fund One to Fund Two to eliminate any negative balances in Fund Two. Motion carried 6-0.
B. The Board approved the policy agreement with MSBA. Motion carried 6-0.
C. The Board approved a lease with the City of Dexter for the District to use the City’s Baseball field located in Dexter East Park for practices and games. The City and School District have agreed to do some upgrades to the field and split the cost with the City paying 60% and the District paying 40%. Improvements include: grass infield, new dug outs, brick/block façade with netting back stop, revamping bull pens, replacing some fencing and concrete pads around the seating area. Motion carried 6-0
D. The Board approved a resolution honoring Mrs. Peggy Currie who will be retiring on Dec. 18, 2015. Motion carried 6-0
E. The Board elected Nancy Mayer as the new Board Treasurer with the retirement of Peggy Currie. Motion carried 6-0
General Municipal Election Day -- April 5, 2015. Two candidates have registered to-date: Ron Glaus and Nancy Mayer.
A. Staff Appreciation Breakfast – Friday, November 20
B. 1st draft of the 2016-2017 school calendar. After meeting with the CTA, this will be brought to the January Board meeting for approval.
C. Policy / Procedure Amendment – Dr. Williams, Curriculum Director, discussed changing policy IKF to allow students to fulfill one unit of academic credit with district-approved career and technical education courses for any English language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies unit required for high school graduation in any combination up to fulfilling one requirement in each of the four subject areas. This will be brought to the January Board meeting for approval.
D. National Honor Society – Mr. Pollock discussed having National Honor Society instead of the existing Dexter Honor Society. He stated that he felt this was a good move for the school district. Mr. Wood stated National Honor Society is more meaningful and students will have more scholarships available. This will be brought to the January Board meeting for approval.
E. High School Beta Club – Mr. Pollock discussed the highlights of having a Sr. Beta Club and stated he feels this would enhance Dexter High School and should strongly be considered for implementation. Mr. Wood also stated that Sr. Beta seems to be a natural progression with next years’ graduating class being the class that started MS Beta which has far exceeded the districts expectations. This will be brought to the January Board meeting for approval.
F. Mr. Wood reported the HS auditorium side and rear curtains have been ordered and the front Curtain will be professionally cleaned over Christmas Break.
G. The board approved L.J. Hart and Company to be the municipal bond underwriter. Motion carried 6-0
H. Mr. Wood gave an update on the football field Portico. He also discussed that a few city business men were discussing with Daktronics the possibility of a new Football scoreboard. The company will be sending out post cards to various businesses in the near future to see if the interest is there for making a 5-7 year advertisement agreement to sponsor the cost of the board. Mr. Wood stated this is the company that has done the exact same thing in nearby cities of Sikeston and Poplar Bluff.
I. Nurse’s Report. The monthly caseload was submitted by the high school nurse Linda Milam.
J. Principal’s Report – Building administrators from Southwest, Central, Middle School and High School gave a report on happenings in their building.
In closed session:
The Board approved the following additions to the Substitute Teacher list:
Brandi Meese, Sydney Graves, Maddison Baker, Sarah Ballance
The Board accepted the retirement notice effective at the end of the 2015 -2016 school year from Shannon Putnam, first grade teacher at SW Elementary School.
The Board accepted the resignation notice effective Dec. 17, 2015 from Sylvia Razor, bus aide.
The Board hired Tammy Mallard as a bus aide. She is currently a part time bus aide for the district.
The Board approve the transfer of kindergarten teacher Angela Pope to replace Debbie Thrower as title teacher for the 2016-2017 school year.
Evaluations of fall coaches in the MS and HS were discussed with the board.
The Superintendents evaluation was given to the board which will be discussed during the January meeting.

Since 2012, Dill has served as superintendent of Houston Schools, a rural district 120 miles northwest, where he began as middle school principal. He was employed for a decade prior as a library media specialist at Macks Creek Schools in Central Missouri.
“I am both honored and humbled to have been selected by the board to lead the Poplar Bluff R-I School District,” said Dill, who received a regional award from the Missouri Association of Administrators last year for his successful superintendency. “I eagerly anticipate the challenges and opportunities inherent to this position.”
Dill is in the final stages of his dissertation toward a doctorate in educational leadership from Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, where he also received his master’s in educational administration along with a specialist degree. He earned his bachelor’s in teaching from Missouri State University in Springfield.
“Working together, in a collaborative partnership, I am confident we will continue the tradition of excellence, which is a hallmark of this storied school and community,” Dill continued, exclaiming: “Onward and upward!”
With assistance from the Missouri School Boards’ Association starting in September, a series of focus groups were held for the community and staff to determine the qualities desired in the next superintendent. A retired Missouri educator of over four decades, Dr. Jerry Waddle, who led the search that resulted in the hiring of Chris Hon in 2010, again served as the district’s MSBA consultant.
According to the results of a survey completed by over 400 patrons, more than three quarters of respondents were interested in an individual with effective experience running a district. In addition, more than half of those surveyed – mostly parents and teachers, favored a leader with familiarity navigating school construction. In 2013, Dill helped drive Houston’s first victorious bond issue in 14 years, resulting in a multi-million dollar campus renovation.
“With the new building projects, we are on our way to becoming a preeminent district,” stated John Scott, school board president. “I know that our new superintendent will build on our recent improvements and help guide us to the next level.”
Before an agreement was reached with Dill, the seven-member school board narrowed a field of a dozen applicants to the five strongest, and interviewed the finalists meticulously with help from a search committee. The top three were brought back in for a second round of screening.
“The combination of community and teacher participation I thought was dynamic in both diversity in background and experience,” reflected Jeff Shawan, a member of the 12-person search committee. “The board listened carefully to our comments and engaged us and invited us to participate beyond just simply filling out a scorecard. They should be lauded.”
Dill will assume the helm on July 1, two months before construction on the historic buildings plan is scheduled for completion. Hon, who announced his eventual retirement from public education one year ago, said over the next several months he is committed to involving Dill on any major decisions that will have a direct impact on the 2016/17 school year.
“Mr. Dill has the enthusiasm and vision to help our school and community achieve our most important goal: to provide our children the best education available,” Scott concluded. “I look forward to the next chapter at Poplar Bluff R-I.”
Submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Coordinator
Poplar Bluff R-I School District

On Monday, high school students, directed by school counselor, Judy Patterson, delivered the goods to the Stoddard County Mission. Other recipients this year included the Dexter Elks and First Baptist Church for distribution to families in need this holiday season.
Central School turned in 6,042 cans, the largest contribution of the four Dexter campuses. T.S. Hill Middle School collected 4,851 and at the high school level, 3,600 items were turned in and at Southwest, 3,196.
OPAA Food Service delivered cookies to the winning school, and Williams Moving Company once again supplied the use of their truck to deliver the goods.
Pictured with Patterson are (front) Nick Renfoe, Storm Massey, Brandon Laird and Cody McFaddin. In the truck are Nate Weathers, Kyle Ward and Cale Williams from Williams Moving Company.
Thanks to everyone who participated and especially to those who donated the much needed food for the Mission.

The coats will be donated to the Stoddard County Gospel Mission at the holiday break. Many more coats are needed this holiday season, and local residents are reminded to look in their closets and consider donating any coats — from infant to adult sizes — to this cause.
Coats may be dropped off at Central School or taken directly to the mission.
Shown with a few coats collected are third graders (seated) Brooklyn Mouton and Cale Whittington and standing, Hunter Farmer and Jaiden Colwell. Coats will be collected at the school through Friday, December 18th.

The new inductees included seniors Chase Burch, Zachary Cambron, Chang Chi, Steven Haley, Kailee Kanell, Zachery Lawrence and Mallory Pierce. They join their 22 classmates who made the pledge during the spring induction, each signing a PBHS register that goes back to 1941, 20 years after the national organization was founded.
Selection is based on GPA, service, leadership and character by majority vote of a five-member faculty council appointed annually by the high school principal, according to chapter adviser Paul Conover, social studies teacher.
(Standing, left to right) NHS vice president Christian Cmehil-Warn and president Jackson Rideout perform the candle ceremony for inductees Chang Chi, Zachary Cambron, Chase Burch, Zachery Lawrence, Kailee Kanell and Steven Haley, before Principal Mike Kiehne (seated) awards the certificates. Not present was student Mallory Pierce.
Submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Coordinator
Poplar Bluff R-I School District