Local Schools
Physics Class Competes for Five-Figure Scholarship
November 05th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Students were supplied 15 pieces of balsa wood, a bottle of glue and some string, then given four weeks to create a bridge design of their choosing between 16-20 inches long and 2-9 inches wide, with the ability to hold at least 7 pounds. The resulting projects will be judged based on structural efficiency on Thursday, Nov. 19, in Cape Girardeau.
The annual competition, intended for juniors and seniors in the Missouri Department of Transportation’s Southeast District, was established 12 years ago. This marks the second year in a row Kathy Miller’s physics class has participated in the contest, though PBHS’ involvement goes back even further.
Shown in the photo: Instructor Kathy Miller puts her students’ bridges to the test on Thursday, Oct. 29, before the class submitted the models for inspection.
Article Submitted by Tim Krakowiak
Communications/Marketing Coordinator
Poplar Bluff R-I School District
Last Updated on November 05th 2015 by Dee Loflin