
DMS 8th Grade Boys Basketball Roster and Schedule
October 30th 2015 by Dee Loflin
DMS 8th Grade Boys Basketball Roster and Schedule
Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Middle School 8th grade boys basketball program has begun under the direction of Coach Josh Dowdy.

This will be the second year for Coach Josh Dowdy and the first year for new assistant coach Lucas McKinnis.

Gavin Warner, 8th grade student, will be this year's Team Manager.

Playing for the 8th grade team are: #2 Jack Scruggs, #10 Andrew Williams, #11 Logan Wyman, #13 Cole Barker, #14 Spencer Warren, #15 Haden Hillis, #22 Garrett Henson, #23 Preston Walton, #25 Bryston Pemberton, #31Colton Bollinger, #35 Carson Bell, #43 Shawn Robards, #44 Blake Racca, #45 Brodie Pollock, and #54 Eric Allen.

They opened their season at home against the Twin Rivers Royals from Fisk.  The 8th grade Bearcats defeated the Royals 58-27.

They traveled to Woodland for their second game.  The 8th grade team won 42-13.

Below is the schedule for the 2015 DMS Boys Basketball Season.  All games begin at 6:00 except the Jackson game and the SCAA Tournament.

October 26th  vs Twin Rivers (H)
October 27th vs Woodland (A)
October 29th vs Bernie (A)
November 2nd vs Richland (H)
November 3rd vs Advance (A)
November 5th vs Bloomfield (H)
November 9th vs Bell City (A)
November 10th vs Puxico (A)
November 14th - 17th SCAA Tournament at Dexter
November 19th vs Sikeston (A)
November 23rd vs Poplar Bluff (H)
November 24th vs Jackson (A)  5:30 p.m.
October 30th vs Kennett (H)
December 2nd vs Charleston (A)

Shown in the photo above front row from left to right are:  Andrew Williams, Cole Barker, Colton Bollinger, Jack Scruggs, Preston Walton, Logan Wyman, Bryston Pemberton.  Back row from left to right are: Carson Bell, Haden Hillis, Blake Racca, Garrett Henson, Brodie Pollock, Spencer Warren, Eric Allen, and Shawn Robards.

Last Updated on October 30th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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