Local News

New Feature of the Leadership Dexter Program
October 15th 2015 by Dee Loflin
New Feature of the Leadership Dexter Program

Dexter, Missouri -
The Dexter Chamber of Commerce has added a new feature to the Leadership Dexter Program this year.  This year's last session will be held on Thursday, November 19th.  The Leadership Participants will begin the day with a breakfast and presentations from representatives from the various service clubs.  At 8:00 they will travel to the chamber office on Market Street to participate in the True Colors Training program.

The Chamber is extending an invitation to its members via this email to consider attending the True Colors Training program.  The program presentation will be from 8;30 AM until Noon followed by lunch. The fee for the training for the non-leadership participants will be $30.  Attendees will receive booklets to keep for reference after the seminar.  If you or any of your employees would like to register, please send an reply email stating the names of the registrants and their contact information.  The chamber will in turn mail an invoice to cover the cost of the seminar.  Registration deadline will be Friday, November 13th.

What is True Colors and what can it do for me?

True Colors® is a model for understanding yourself and others based on your personality temperament. The colors of Orange, Gold, Green and Blue are used to differentiate the four central personality styles of True Colors®.  Each of us has a combination of these True Colors that make up our personality spectrum, usually with one of the styles being the most dominant.  Identifying your personality and the personalities of others using True Colors provides you with insights into different motivations, actions and communication approaches. True Colors works because it is based on true principles and easy to remember and use – in all kinds of circumstances – from personal relationships to professional success.
For more information about True Colors go to - True Colors Intl

Last Updated on October 15th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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