Local Schools

2015 DHS Homecoming Candidates
September 29th 2015 by Dee Loflin
2015 DHS Homecoming Candidates
Dexter, Missouri - Students at Dexter High School will select their 2015 Homecoming Queen and her court this week.  The coronation will be held prior to the football game on Friday at 6:30 p.m. at Charles Bland Stadium.

Ten candidates are vying for the title.  Each young lady was nominated by a DHS sports team.

Brittany Brown and Kendall Adams were nominated by the Lady Cats Volleyball Team.

MaKayla Waldner and Kalee Howard were nominated by the Lady Cats Tennis Team.

Caroline Powers and Rhylan Hillis were nominated by the DHS Football Cheerleaders.

Taryn Fortner and Sarah Smith were nominated by the Cross Country Team.

Melanie McKuin and Katy Seiter were nominated by the Football Team.

Shown in the photo are standing from left to right:  Taryn Fortner, Kalee Howard, Kendall Adams, Katy Seiter, Melanie McKuin, and Sarah Smith.  Seated at the top from left to right are Brittany Brown, MaKayla Waldner, Caroline Powers, and Rhylan Hillis.

Last Updated on September 29th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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