
Movie Night at the Football Field Hosted by FCA
September 28th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Movie Night at the Football Field Hosted by FCA

Dexter, Missouri - It’s Homecoming Week at Dexter High School!  The Fellowship of Christian Athletes will host a Movie Night at Charles Bland Stadium on Wednesday, September 30th beginning at 6:30 p.m.

The featured movie will be When the Game STANDS TALL.  It’s not how hard you fall, it’s how you get back up! 

An inspirational true story about a high school football coach named Bob Ladouceur who took over as a high school head coach at a school who had gone 15 years without a winning football season. He led his De La Salle Spartans football team to an incredible 151 consecutive victories and 12 straight state championships from 1992 - 2003.

All FCA students, friends, and family are invited to attend.  Admission is a CANNED FOOD ITEM!

BRING A BLANKET to sit on!!  And enjoy the fun!

Concessions will also be available.

If you have questions please contact Kurt Lovelady at or call the school at (573) 614-1030.

Last Updated on September 28th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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