Regional First Responders Team Up
with SoutheastHEALTH for Breast Cancer Awareness
The cancer team at SoutheastHEALTH is committed to breast health throughout the year and especially in October during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Their goal is to raise awareness, help women 40 years of age and older get screened and help raise money for current cancer patients’ unmet needs.
This year they’ve partnered with 15 of our region’s fire, police and emergency medical services teams to help spread the message that “Mammograms save lives too.” The region’s bravest will wear pink T-shirts to support women and encourage them to schedule their mammograms.
Shown in the photo are Dexter's finest Firemen showing their support by wearing PINK and walking in the Stoddard County Fair on Tuesday, September 22, 2015.
Representing the Dexter Fire Department are Tyler Whitson, Beau Bishop, Michael Tellman, Capt. Dale Rowe, Dylan Poore, Mark McClintock, Justin McCollough, Lt. Greg Lintz, Terry Battles, Bryant Gibbs, Kirk Frizzell, Jim Belcher, Capt. John Jenkins, Lt. Gary Kinder, Jeff Riddle, Lt. Jeremy Freeman, Chief Don Seymore, Eugene McConnell, Jeffrey Hueckel, Josh Robinson, Andrew Juden, Brian Crowe, Joe Lovins, Chad Tilley, Todd O'Dell, Allan Horton, Joshua Craft, Alen Malloy, and Landon Miller.
Partnering agencies are:
· Cape County Private Ambulance Service
· Cape Girardeau Fire/Rescue and Police Department
· Dexter Fire and Police Departments
· Doniphan City Police and Fire Departments
· Ellington Volunteer Fire Department
· Jackson Fire/Rescue and Police Department
· Stoddard, Ripley and Reynolds Counties Ambulance Districts
· Ripley County Sheriff’s Department
You can be a part of this special observance in support of all women by purchasing a “Bravest Wear Pink” T-shirt. Shirts are $20 each and are available at all “Bravest” special events during October and at:
· HealthPoint Fitness in Cape and Jackson
· The Wright Group, 126 North Main in Cape
· Cape Girardeau Police Department, 40 South Sprigg
· The Wishing Well Gift Shop at Southeast Hospital
· Southeast Pharmacy at the West Campus, 817 South Mount Auburn Road
Proceeds from the T-shirts will benefit the Cancer Care Fund at SoutheastHEALTH and help fund cancer patients’ immediate needs while undergoing treatment. You may also donate to the cause. It’s easy and secure. Simply text BRAVE to 50155 or give online at SEhealth.org/BRAVE.
For complete details on October’s events or to register for an event, go to SEhealth.org/BRAVE or call 1-800-800-5123.
IHOP, Applebee’s Partner for Cancer Care
As part of this special observance, the IHOP in Cape Girardeau and Applebee’s restaurants in Cape Girardeau, Sikeston and Poplar Bluff will match donations made to the cause during October and November.
Great Event Line Up
The Bravest Wear Pink Kickoff will be Saturday, September 26 at the Southeast Cancer Center beginning at 7 a.m. At its centerpiece is the Run-ride for Ragan and Memorial/Honor Walk. Run-Ride for Ragan, first held in 2012, honors the late Ragan Ward Neilson, a Cape Girardeau native and daughter of Dr. Robert and Barb Ward. Ragan died of breast cancer in October 2007 at the age of 32. Fee: 5K and 10K, $30. For more information or to register for this community event, call 573-986-6622. This event also will include area first responders’ vehicles on display, live music, food, free yard signs, individual trading cards autographed on site by our communities’ bravest, giveaways and a Jumbotron with special programming.
Ladies, encourage each other and share your stories on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using hashtag #SECircle of 8.
Homecoming Tailgate in Dexter
Greet Dexter’s bravest wearing pink on Saturday, October 2 from 4 until 6 p.m. at the Bearcat Event Center. First responders’ vehicles will be on display and first responders will be on hand to sign trading cards.
Southeast Redhawks Coin Toss
Representatives of the Cape Girardeau Police Department and Cape Girardeau Fire/Rescue, along with SoutheastHEALTH representatives, will participate in the coin toss prior to the Redhawks – Murray State Game. Prior to the 6 p.m. coin toss at Houck Stadium, football fans can take part in the “Bravest Wear Pink” tailgate fun from 3 until 5:30 p.m.
From 4 until 6 p.m., there will be a tailgate at Applebee’s in Cape featuring a Jumbotron with special programming.
Pink Ice Cream Social in Doniphan
Join the SoutheastHEALTH team and first responders at Southeast Health of Ripley County on Tuesday, October 6 from 4:30 until 6 p.m. for pink ice cream and visits with Ripley County first responders. Dog owners can participate in a fun “Pooches in Pink” opportunity. Doll your pups up in pink, post a photo on Facebook.com/SoutheastHEALTH and receive a free and unique dog treat.
Meet and Greet Cancer Experts
Regional experts representing hematology/oncology, radiation therapy, breast cancer surgery and plastic/reconstructive surgery will gather at the Southeast Cancer Center from 6 until 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 8 for an informative question and answer session, including questions posted on Southeast’s live Twitter chat at #SEhealthMO. Complimentary beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be provided by Celebrations.
Pink Ice Cream Social in Ellington
Join the SoutheastHEALTH team and first responders at Southeast Health of Reynolds County on Thursday, October 8 from 4:30 until 6 p.m. for pink ice cream and visits with Ripley County first responders. Dog owners can participate in a fun “Pooches in Pink” opportunity. Doll your pups up in pink, post a photo on Facebook.com/SoutheastHEALTH and receive a free and unique dog treat.
Think Pink at Walmart in Dexter
Stop by the Dexter Walmart on Thursday, October 9 from 9 a.m. until noon. Complete an interactive health risk assessment on site to learn more about your risk level for being diagnosed with breast cancer and meet new Southeast physicians serving the Dexter area. The first 50 participants will receive a free Walmart gift card.
Women’s Health Event at Academy Sports + Outdoors
On Saturday, October 10, from 10 a.m. until noon, talk with SoutheastHEALTH experts from gastroenterology, cardiology, obstetrics/gynecology, breast imaging and primary care about women’s preventive health topics. Women can learn about their risk factors with our Health Risk Assessment and mammogram scheduling. The first 200 participants will receive a $10 gift card to Academy Sports.
Octoberfest in Jackson
There will be plenty of fun in uptown Jackson on Saturday, October 10 at Octoberfest. Stop by our “Bravest Wear Pink” booth from 1 until 3p.m. near the Jackson first responders’ vehicles to learn about our Health Risk Assessments and mammogram scheduling information. T-shirts will be available for sale and donations to the cause will be accepted. Dog owners can participate in a fun “Pooches in Pink” opportunity. Doll your pups up in pink, post a photo on Facebook.com/SoutheastHEALTH and receive a free and unique dog treat.
Meet and Greet Cancer Experts in Dexter
Regional experts representing hematology/oncology, radiation therapy, breast cancer surgery and plastic/reconstructive surgery will gather at Southeast Health of Stoddard County from 6 until 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 15 for an informative question and answer session, including questions posted on Southeast’s live Twitter chat at #SEhealthMO. Complimentary beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be provided.
Southeast Missouri State University Homecoming Parade
Look for our float along the parade route Saturday, October 17. SoutheastHEALTH team members, breast cancer survivors and the region’s bravest will be on hand with special treats.
Take Home a Sheryl Crow Autographed Basketball
A bright pink basketball autographed by recording artist and Kennett native Sheryl Crow will be given away on October 30. Raffle tickets will be on sale all week at the Stoddard County Fair which got under way on Tuesday, September 22. Visit Southeast’s “Bravest Wear Pink” booth to learn more.
About SoutheastHEALTH
At SoutheastHEALTH, the region's premier healthcare system in southeast Missouri, our patients receive excellent care of the highest clinical quality, close to home. Within our network are more than 50 care locations in 14 communities, including hospitals, primary and specialty care clinics representing over 30 clinical specialties and extending care for patients in a four-state area. Learn more at SEhealth.org.