Age Spots by Ruth Dockins
Medicare Prescription Drug Sign-Up Begins October 15th
Finally, the crisp, cool weather of fall is here (or nearly here)! We can start looking at football games, bon-fires and new Medicare D choices.
As most of you know the Medicare D (prescription drug) sign-up for 2016 starts Oct. 15 and runs through Dec. 7. You have received, or will soon receive (depending on when this article is printed) a letter from your Medicare Prescription Drug plan the “Plan Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) and Evidence of Coverage”. This letter will be a notice from your current plan outlining their 2016 formulary, benefit design and/or premium changes. They must send this to you by September 30.
Be sure to read this information carefully because many times there are significant changes in the premium, formulary and/or tier levels of the medication. If you are not satisfied with the new plan information please make a list of your medications, the size and how often you take them, and what pharmacy you use. Then contact Jackie, Liz, Meagan or me at 573-335-3331 or 1-800-392-8771, between October 15 and Dec. 7 so that we can assist you in finding the best plan for you for 2016. We will also need your Medicare number, effective dates for part a & b and your address. (By the way, never give this information to someone who calls you.)
We will have a form on our website that you can complete if you choose, it will be under Information and Assistance, Medicare D enrollment. You can print it and complete it and send it to us at the address on the bottom of the form. Our website is www.agingmatters2u.com We can then enter the information and will contact you with the best plans for you so that you can make an informed decision.
If you want to do this yourself you can go to www.medicare.gov click on “find health and drug plans” and follow the prompts.
Late in the month of September you will receive your new Medicare & You handbook. This is a very handy book to have; it answers many questions and has lots of good information in it. You can also download a copy online at www.Medicare.gov.
By October 16 employer/union and other group health plans must tell all Medicare eligible enrollees whether or not their drug coverage is creditable. Hang on to this notice! If you ever enroll in Medicare Part D you will need the letter to prove that you did have creditable coverage before you enrolled.
We will be having enrollment events at the following locations:
Oct. 15 – Aging Matters office (call for location 335-3331) 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Nov. 4 – Twin Towers, 302 N. E St., Poplar Bluff 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Nov. 4 – Altenburg Library, 66 Poplar St. Altenburg noon – 6 p.m.
Nov. 5 – Perryville Library, 800 City Park Dr. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Nov. 5 – Caruthersville RSVP office, 1105 Carlton 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Nov. 10 – OAKS Sr Center, 305 Cresap, Sikeston 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Nov. 18 – Oaks Sr. Center, 900 Kennett Sr., Kennett 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
If you have questions please call 573-335-3331 or 1-800-392-8771.