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Russ Oliver - Arson Prosecutor of the Year Award
September 17th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Russ Oliver - Arson Prosecutor of the Year Award

Stoddard County, Missouri - On September 15 , 2015 the Professional Fire & Fraud Investigator’s Association (PFFIA) named Stoddard County Prosecuting Attorney Russ Oliver their Arson Prosecutor of the year.

Oliver was nominated for the award by PFFIA association member and State Fire Marshall Jason Dunn.  Over the past 5 years, Dunn has worked with Oliver on numerous arson cases.  In introducing Oliver to receive the award, Dunn stated, “Russ has been great to work with on arson cases.  He takes them very seriously, devotes the time and resources to insure that the investigation and prosecution of these crimes is complete and thorough. He also obtains very appropriate sentences for Defendants of arson cases. Russ is an all-around great prosecutor of arson cases for Stoddard County.”

While accepting the award Oliver addressed the crowd of fire investigators, Oliver stated “any prosecution can only be as effective as the investigation of the crime.  Stoddard County is very fortunate to have Tim McCoy as an Investigator in the Prosecutor’s Office. Tim is willing to work tirelessly to solve these difficult cases.  Tim is the most tenacious investigator I have ever had the pleasure to work with and the Prosecutor’s Office is blessed to have his service.  This award is as much Tim’s award as it is mine.”  Oliver continued  “arson cases are some of the most difficult cases to investigate.  Scant evidence at the scene (due to it all burning in the fire) sometimes makes it very difficult to tell the difference between a fire that involves only a tragedy and one that involves a crime.  These cases take an enormous amount of time and manpower to properly investigate.  But these cases are worth the effort, because the victims’ loss deserves justice.”

Oliver continued, stating that “arson is a violent crime. No other crime can change the world view of victims like arson can.  Security in our homes and businesses is paramount and essential to Americans’ sense of safety and well-being.  When a coward is able to reduce the entirety of your life’s work to a heap of ashes, it changes that victim.  Now that his or her security has been violated, every time they turn the deadbolt on their door and leave their home or workplace unattended, they have to walk away wondering if the entirety of their life’s possessions will be safe.”

Pictured in the photo (left to right) is Stoddard County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office Investigator Tim McCoy, Stoddard County Prosecutor Russ Oliver, and State Fire Marshall Jason Dunn.

Last Updated on September 17th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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Bollinger County Placed on Rabies Alert - Notifies Local Vets
September 15th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Bollinger County Placed on Rabies Alert - Notifies Local Vets

Advance, Missouri - On September 2, 2015 Dr. Brett Ward of Helping Hands Veterinary Clinic received a letter from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

The letter states that an 8-week-old puppy from Bollinger County tested positive for RABIES on August 26, 2015.  Because rabies in a domestic animal represents a serious and imminent public health threat, the Missouri Dept. of Health and Senior Services placed Bollinger County under a RABIES ALERT!

The puppy belonged to a resident of Bollinger County and was one of a litter of four.  Around July 20th of this year a skunk was observed under the front porch of the owner’s home where the puppies and their mother were located. 

Skunks are known carrier of Rabies in Missouri and it is presumed that’s how the puppy was infected.  The puppies were adopted to three families and on August 21st the puppy in question became sick, was subsequently euthanized and submitted to the Missouri State Public Health laboratory for rabies testing.

A positive rabies test resulted on August 26th whereby 12 people who had contact with the puppy were notified and are receiving anti-rabies series of shots.

The remaining puppies were euthanized and tested negative.  As you know, these results do not mean that the puppies were not infected with the rabies virus.  Instead, the results indicate that since there was no rabies virus in the brain, there was also no rabies virus in the saliva.  Therefore, these puppies could not have infected anyone who came in contact with them.

With that being said, the three puppies where not infectious when tests were performed, however they could have gone on to develop rabies over the next several months and become infectious at that time. 

No one wants to have puppies euthanized, but this option must be employed at times to protect the health of the public according to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

According to the MDHSS, RABIES occurs naturally in Missouri wild animals and occasionally in domestic animals.  In 2014, a total of 27 rabid animals were detected. They included 9 skunks, 16 bats, and 2 cats.  Missouri has averaged about 50 rabid animals per year over the past ten years.  The main animals were bats and skunks.  Statewide to date in 2015, a total of 21 rabid animals have been detected, including 13 bats, 6 skunks, and 2 dogs. 

Please be responsible and vaccinate your dogs and cats against rabies.  It serves as a buffer between the wildlife reservoir and the human population.  Two individuals have died in recent years from rabies in Missouri.    

See your local Veterinarian for RABIES vaccinations immediately.  Most cities and counties have ordinances that require the vaccination annually. 

If you need to get your pet vaccinated please contact your local Veterinarian.  Dr. Brett Ward with Helping Hands Veterinary Clinic will be glad to schedule you an appointment as soon as possible.  To contact them call (573) 321-2021.

Last Updated on September 15th 2015 by Dee Loflin

Patriot Day - September 11th - Never Forget
September 10th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Patriot Day - September 11th - Never Forget

USA - Patriot Day falls on 11th September (also commonly known as ‘Nine-Eleven’) and is remembered globally as the anniversary of the catastrophic terrorist attacks on the USA of 11th September 2001.

Embedded in the memories of everyone who lived through it, this was the day four jet planes were hijacked and crashed into the New York World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, causing the deaths of 2,977 people. The fourth plane (United Airlines Flight 93) was directed at Washington DC, but its passengers bravely attempted to take back control and it crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

The large majority of those lost after the attacks on the Twin Towers were working at or above the points of collision; thousands of people who had gone to work that morning like every other day, found themselves suddenly stranded at the top of a burning skyscraper. A number made the choice to jump from the flaming buildings rather than wait to be caught by the flames or for the building to collapse. No one could forget the terrifying and heartbreaking stories and images captured by the news footage of the day.

In the wake of the World Trade Center collisions, many brave men and women from the emergency services risked their lives to try to help rescue victims of the attacks, and of them 411 lost their own lives attempting to fight fires and rescue people.

Patriot Day is recognized by US law as the official day of remembrance for these tragic events, and has been observed every year since. Each year on this day, American flags are flown at half-staff to honor and commemorate those lives lost. The US President asks fellow Americans to observe a moment of silence at 8.46am (Eastern Daylight Time), the time of the first plane collision into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

While the events took place within the USA, the shock and grief experienced in response to the attacks was shared across the globe, and for this reason Patriot Day will be observed not only in America, but all over the world.

Last Updated on September 10th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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U.S. and Missouri Flags to Fly at Half-Staff on Friday
September 10th 2015 by Dee Loflin
U.S. and Missouri Flags to Fly at Half-Staff on Friday
Missouri - In accordance with state law, the United States and Missouri flags at all government buildings statewide will be flown at half-staff on Friday (Sept. 11) to honor those who died in the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

“The events of Sept. 11, 2001, changed our world in many ways,” Gov. Jay Nixon said. “I ask Missourians to take time on Friday to remember those who lost their lives on that day, and to honor those in uniform who willingly put themselves in harm’s way on our behalf.”

Last Updated on September 10th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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Police Searching for Missing 15 Year Old Girl
September 10th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Police Searching for Missing 15 Year Old Girl
Arkansas - Marion County Sheriff Joan Vickers is asking the public for help in locating a missing teenager.

Justiny Irene Michael Ply is a 15 year old juvenile white female who was last seen at a residence in Baxter County on September 7 around 1 a.m. and no one has had contact with her since.

She has brown hair and brown eyes. She is 5’4 165 lbs with a mole over her lip under the right side of her nose.

If anyone has any information to the whereabouts of Justiny they are asked to contact their local law enforcement agency immediately.

Last Updated on September 10th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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