Local Schools
TeacherWeb Now Available at Dexter High School
September 08th 2015 by Dee Loflin
![TeacherWeb Now Available at Dexter High School](/img_uunj_910_800.jpg)
"The counselors at Dexter High school have a teacher website," stated Judy Patterson, High School Counselor. "On there you can register for grade specific news flashes, general newsflashes, and see a variety of college/scholarship information! It is a valuable service for you and your students!"
You will be able to check frequently for announcements, homework, calendar of events, grades, and more!
Bookmark (add to Favorites) the page below the first time you go to it.
Get Automatic Updates
Use MyTeacherWeb - www.MyTeacherWeb.com allows parents and students to track multiple teachers from a single site!
Try the feed. Click the button at the bottom of the site.
If your teacher has a NewsFlash Page, sign-up for email & text message updates!
Last Updated on September 08th 2015 by Dee Loflin