The class will be held on Wednesday afternoons 12:30 – 2:30 PM, September 9 – October 28 and is sponsored by Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center.
Elda Rosa Pry will be instructing and the class is free to the public.
For more information on Continuing Education classes at Three Rivers College, visit trcc.edu/continuing. To register for this course, contact Amber Spears at 573-840-9619 or aspears@trcc.edu.
Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.

We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities. The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!
If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to news@showmetimes.com.

The Board President announced the meeting to begin with the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board Approved Board policy BBFA: Board Member Conflict of Interest and Financial disclosure and policy INC: Speakers @ District Events that were presented at the July board meeting.
A. Approve 2015–2016 Tax Levy
The Board approved the 2015-2016 tax levy for Dexter R-XI Schools as published: an operating levy of $2.81 and a debt-service levy of $0.57 for a total tax levy of $3.38.
B. Approve Bus Routes -- The Board approved the bus routes for the 2015 – 2016 school year.
C. District Testing Schedule -- The Board approved the 2015-2016 district testing schedule.
D. Adopt Special Education Local Compliance Plan – The Board adopted the 2015-16 Special Education Local compliance Plan as presented by Special Services Director Amy James.
E. Approve District Coaches evaluation tool – The Board approved a newly developed Coaches evaluation tool for 2015-16.
F. District lighting replacement with incentives from Ameren - No decision was made at this time on the lighting replacement incentive. Mr. Wood stated the district could do most of the lighting over the next few years with monies that are budgeted and not deficit spend out of the budget.
G. Approve books as surplus property – The Board approved approximately 750 outdated and used books from South West Elementary and Central Elementary as surplus property to be sold through the library during different events throughout the year.
Student Performance Data – Mr. Wood noted that DESE would release data at the end August and that performance results would be presented at the September meeting.
Discuss Policy CBG – Mr. Wood discussed policy CBG (Evaluation of the Superintendent) that will be brought to the September meeting for approval.
Student Registration Day – Enrollment figures were presented:
Central Elementary: 527
Middle School: 475
High School: 641
Total: 2,154
The 2014 -2015 audit report and Annual Secretary Board Report will be presented at the September meeting. The front page of the ASBR was presented to the Board. Mr. Wood noted the decline in the fund balance over the past three years is a concern and will need addressed if the District continues to deficit spend.
The professional development program presented by Chelonda Seroyer was well-received by the faculty and staff. Information in a survey that was completed on the program was shared with the Board.
Stoddard County Activity passes and a booklet from MSHSAA were distributed to the Board.
The Board received an update on the Football facilities / Field House project. New lockers are in place, the inside has been painted and new ceilings in Coaches office and storage areas. A group of 50+ coaches, players, teachers, parents and community members came together last weekend to paint the fence around most of the field. All this has been paid for by donations through the foundation. Mr. Wood commented “It’s been a community effort, I’ve been amazed and very proud of the support and hard work that’s been taking place”.
The Board heard a report on a meeting that took place between Mr. Wood and Jamie Rowe, Dexter Park and Recreation Director. They are looking at ways to improve the facilities in the park that the school now uses. Both parties have been approached by community members who stated they would be willing to donate time and monies to help update the facilities. The board agreed that something needs to be done in order to make the facility more usable during the spring time. Mr. Wood will meet with the park department and get a plan together for the possible improvements.
In executive session, the Board:Approved additions to the substitute teacher list:
Lisa Baker, Tabatha Balentine, Christopher Webster
Approved the resignation of paraprofessional aide Patricia Mason
Approved the resignation of custodian Kenneth Davis
Approved the employment of special education paraprofessional aides Bill Vance, Angela Yount and Brandi Craft.
Approved the employment of custodian David Noyes
Approved revised coaching duties for 2015 – 16 to include:
Asst. Varsity Football / Daniel McCoy
Asst. Varsity Football / James Sneed
HS Boys Basketball Asst. / Zac Moore
FR Boys Basketball / Zac Moore
FR Boys Basketball / Josh Dowdy
MS Boys Basketball Head Coach / Lucas McKinnis
MS Boys Basketball Asst. Coach / Josh Dowdy
HS Baseball Varsity Asst. Coach / Cody Boyer

Dexter, Missouri - Central Elementary School was presented with a $3,100 grant from Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC).
The grant will help support the school’s Accelerated Reader program. The program develops reading skills, confirms comprehension by computerized testing and offers motivational rewards to students.
The Ronald McDonald House Charities supports non-profit children’s programs in the area of education, health and social well-being, and the cultural arts. The local chapter awarded over $250,000 in grants to projects in the tri-state area in 2014.
Shown in the photo are Shane Brumfield, RMHC representative and supervisor of the Dexter McDonalds and April Aldridge, Accelerated Reading program teacher and Reading Interventionist.

Jackson Rideout, the PBHS senior captain, took first place in the history tournament; sophomore Alyssa Cook, the JV captain, won second in a team contest; and Christian Cmehil-Warn, a senior starter, consistently qualified to compete with the top performing students from multiple states.
PBHS has been making its mark in Academic Competition Enterprises-sponsored camps for several years, according to their coach, science teacher Gail Karlish. The Academic Team ended the 2014/15 season with a 30-14 Scholar Bowl record, the Missouri State High School Activity Association has reported.
(Shown in the photos from left) Jackson Rideout, Christian Cmehil-Warn and Alyssa Cook pose with their spoils outside of Lincoln College following Quizbowl.
Submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Coordinator, Poplar Bluff R-I School District