Local Schools

New Faces at Dexter Public Schools
August 13th 2015 by Dee Loflin
New Faces at Dexter Public Schools
Dexter, Missouri - the Dexter Public School District began their 2015-2016 with 26 new employees.  Classes began on Thursday, August 13th.

They include: (back row, from left ) Gavin Miller-Middle School Assistant Principal, Hillary Mayberry-Grade Three Teacher, Melissa Raley-Teacher's Assistant, Maryssa Campbell-Teacher's Assistant, and Patricia Mason-Teacher's Assistant.

Second from top: Zac Moore-Southwest Elementary P.E., Daniel McCoy-Teacher's Assistant and Asst. H.S. Football Coach, Jacinda DeWitt-Southwest Principal, and Tonya Whitehead-Teacher's Assistant.

Third row from top: Shelby Lintz-Grade Five Teacher, Cassie Templemire-Grade Three Teacher, Lauren VonRuden-Teacher's Assistant, Kayla Hammons-Teacher's Assistant and Michele Williams-Curriculum Director.

Standing is Superintendent Mitch Wood.

In the front row are: Candice Averett- Grade Three Teacher, Kaylee Hessling-Grade Four Teacher, Kimberly Williams-Southwest ECSE Aide, Carla Bradley-High School English, and Angela Yount - Teacher's Assistant.

Not available for the photo are Curt Hillis-Teacher's Assistant, William Vance-Teacher's Assistant, Sephanie Monroe-Middle School Art and Lucas McKinnis-High School Social Studies.

Last Updated on August 13th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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