Bernie, Missouri - The Bernie All School Class Reunion is slated for Friday, July 3rd at the Bernie Community Center. Festivities will officially begin at 7:00 p.m. with doors opening at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor David Teeters will provide the Welcome followed by a moment of silence in memory of classmates who are longer here.
A light meal consisting of Italian beef sandwiches, chips, cookies, tea, lemonade or water will be served with the rest of the night for visiting and enjoying classmates.
Decorations will be centered around the Bernie Mules theme and will be provided by Pam Treat and Lois Hicks.
A Memorial List will hang under each of the class pictures in the Community Center and alumni are encouraged to update the lists.
Bring your long lost photos to share with fellow classmates and enjoy the old jukebox with lots of “oldies, but goodies”. Don’t miss out on a fun filled night of reminiscing about the days of yesteryear. All Bernie High School graduating classes are encouraged to attend!