Local Schools
Kate Wyman First Place Win at Junior Beta Club Convention
June 30th 2015 by Dee Loflin

Wyman defeated 22 other competitors from 10 other states including: Illinois, Texas, North Carolina, and others to bring home the title of champion. Wyman traveled to Nashville and did her preregistration work for the event on Thursday.
She then took the timed multiple choice test on Friday afternoon. "Much of the national test focused on reading comprehension while much of the state test was on grammar," stated Wyman.
After seeing her name on the Top 10 list on their way into the Gaylord Opryland Hotel & Convention Center on Sunday morning, she was surprised to hear her named called to receive the top honor.
Wyman won the right to compete on the national stage by taking third place in the state competition in Poplar Bluff back in December. Wyman will be a freshman this fall at Richland R-1 School.
Congratulations Kate!
Last Updated on June 30th 2015 by Dee Loflin