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CMU Announces Spring Dean's List
June 22nd 2015 by Dee Loflin
CMU Announces Spring Dean's List
Fayette, Missouri - Central Methodist University has announced the College of Graduate and Extended Studies Spring 2015 Dean's List. 

Local students on the list are Sam Karmas, Jamie Granger, Hannah Mathis, and Kristen Wagner of Dexter.

Sam Karmas is obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.  Jamie Granger is in child development program at the Poplar Bluff location.  Kristen Wagner is in the pre-education program at the Poplar Bluff location.  Hannah Mathis is in the special education program at the Poplar Bluff location as well.

The Central Methodist Dean's List is reserved only for students who earn a 3.50 or above grade point average, completes a minimum of 12 credit hours during terms 3 and 4 combined, had no grades below a C and who has been a good citizen of the CMU community.

Since its founding in 1854, CMU has evolved into a university that confers master's, bachelor's, and associate's degrees through programming on its main campus in Fayette, Missouri and through extension sites located across Missouri and online.

Last Updated on June 22nd 2015 by Dee Loflin

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