Local Schools

Dinner, Dessert, and All That Jazz on April 11th
April 07th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Dinner, Dessert, and All That Jazz on April 11th
Bloomfield, Missouri - The Bloomfield Band Boosters and the Bloomfield Band Department will host their first "Dinner, Dessert, and All That Jazz" event at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Dexter.

The event will take place on Saturday, April 11th from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.  The public is encouraged to attend! 

The meal will consist of chicken cordon bleu dinner with salad, corn, green beans, baked potato, rolls, tea, lemonade, and assorted dessert options.

Entertainment will be the Bloomfield High School Jazz Band.  Tickets are $15.00 each in advance and $18.00 at the door.  Call 573-820-3819 for tickets.

Organizers of the event remind guests to bring their dancing shoes!  It's going to be a great night of fun!

Last Updated on April 07th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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DHS Choir Excels at District Contest in Two Categories
April 07th 2015 by Dee Loflin
DHS Choir Excels at District Contest in Two Categories
Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter High School Choir earned a number one rating in the area of Large Choir Ensemble and in Women's Choir.

"When students receive a “1” rating, they are qualified to go to Columbia on May 1, 2015, to perform at the State Music Festival,” stated DHS Choir Director Jamie Sepalvado.

Sepalvado credited all of the students for dedication to their music and for well representing Dexter at the recent competition.

Last Updated on April 07th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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DHS Trio and Quartet Vocalists Excel at District Contest
April 06th 2015 by Dee Loflin
DHS Trio and Quartet Vocalists Excel at District Contest

Dexter, Missouri – Talented trio and quartet vocalists represented Dexter High School during the last weekend in March at the District Music Festival held at Poplar Bluff.

Out of the 27 entries taken to the contest, 15 received a #1 Exemplary rating, according to DHS Choir Director Jamie Sepalvado.  Twelve vocalist representing two trios and two quartets received #1 ratings.

"When students receive a “1” rating, they are qualified to go to Columbia on May 1, 2015, to perform at the State Music Festival,” stated Sepalvado.

Sepalvado credited all of the students for dedication to their music and for well representing Dexter at the recent competition.

They are (top, from left) the trio of Caroline Powers, Sarah Miller and Angel Maze; the trio of Shelby Gathings, Lauren Thrower (and in front) Addie Kruse (freshman); and also in front: the quartet of Jon Rodgers (junior), Andrew Teel, and Meg Simmons (freshman). The fourth member of this quartet is Angel Maze (shown in top row). Making up the final Number 1 rating quartet are (front row, third from right) Ryan Mayo, Caroline Powers (pictured in top row) Myca Sutton and Jackson Babb (sophomore).

Last Updated on April 06th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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DHS Choir Soloists Perform Well at District Contest
April 06th 2015 by Dee Loflin
DHS Choir Soloists Perform Well at District Contest

Dexter, Missouri – Talented solo vocal students represented Dexter High School during the last weekend in March at the District Music Festival held at Poplar Bluff.

Out of the 27 entries taken to the contest, 15 received a #1 Exemplary rating, according to DHS Choir Director Jamie Sepalvado.   Eleven soloists received #1 ratings.

"When students receive a “1” rating, they are qualified to go to Columbia on May 1, 2015, to perform at the State Music Festival,” stated Sepalvado.

Sepalvado credited all of the students for dedication to their music and for well representing Dexter at the recent competition.

In the photo at are students who performed solos and earned a Number 1 rating. They are: (in back) Brooks Propst (senior), Noah Kronk (senior), Tres Hampton (freshman), Andrew Teel (sophomore), Shelby Gathings (senior), and Lauren Thrower (junior). In front are Myca Sutton (sophomore), Ashlynn Wyman (sophomore), Caroline Powers (sophomore), Sarah Miller (sophomore) and Ryan Mayo (sophomore).

Last Updated on April 06th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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Second Graders Jumping for Healthy Hearts
April 03rd 2015 by Dee Loflin
Second Graders Jumping for Healthy Hearts
Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary School in Dexter holds a Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser each year for the American Heart Association.

First and second graders jumps their little hearts out for the cause!

This year, under the direction of Coach Kyle Williamson, students raised a total of $7,414.48.  The school's top fundraisers in second grade are pictured above.

Emma Pennington raised $207.  Korbin Williams raised $250 and Elizabeth Bolin who jumped 127 times in a row to earn her certificate.  Not available for the photo are Cale Robinson who raised $210 and Cali Jones who raised $200.

Congratulations and thank you for raising so much money for the American Heart Association!

Last Updated on April 03rd 2015 by Dee Loflin

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