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    Southeast Hospital Health Spotlight: Luella Layton
    April 04th 2015 by Staff Writer
    Southeast Hospital Health Spotlight:  Luella Layton
    /images/2015 Images/1 Alan/SE Health Spotlight Logo.jpg

    Please tell us something interesting about yourself: 
    "I am 90-years old and still live alone and drive independently.  Last year, I went to Long Beach, CA to visit my brother and Las Vegas to visit my nieces".

    What made you choose our agency to provide your home health care?
    "Because I wanted someone from Dexter."

    What do you enjoy most about home health therapy?
    "Everyone has been really nice to me while I was in Southeast Hospital and from the Southeast Home Health Agency.  They keep a close check on me."

    Please share some of the goals you have for the future and how therapy might help you reach those goals:
    "My goal is get my strength back so I can walk and drive again."

    The Home Health Spotlight is a courtesy of the caring professionals of  Southeast Health!  You have a choice in who will provide your home health services.  Remember to request Southeast Home Health of Dexter or contact us at (573) 624-3511 for additional information.

    Last Updated on April 04th 2015 by Staff Writer

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    Southeast Home Health Spotlight: Leon Ward
    March 28th 2015 by Staff Writer
     Southeast Home Health Spotlight:  Leon Ward
    /images/2015 Images/1 Alan/SE Health Spotlight Logo.jpg

    Please tell us something interesting about yourself: 
    When I was a little boy, I was short and some older boys lived down the alley from me.  When I'd come to play with them, I would hop and skip down the alley.  The older boys said I looked like a grasshopper, and the nickname stuck while I was young.  When I got older, the nickname became "Grassy".

    What made you choose our agency to provide your home health care?
    I have heard a lot of good things about Southeast and Southeast Home Health from people in our community.

    What do you enjoy most about home health therapy?
    I enjoy the companionship of having someone concerned with my problems, and having them want to help improve my current situation.

    Please share some of the goals you have for the future and how therapy might help you reach those goals:
    My goal is to get rid of the walker.  I want to increase my confidence with walking around without the fear of falling.  I also want to regain my independence and be able to once again drive myself around the community.

    The Home Health Spotlight is a courtesy of the caring professionals of  Southeast Health!  You have a choice in who will provide your home health services.  Remember to request Southeast Home Health of Dexter or contact us at (573) 624-3511 for additional information.

    Last Updated on March 28th 2015 by Staff Writer

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    S.E. Home Health Hosted Lunch & Learn at Senior Center
    March 23rd 2015 by Dee Loflin
    S.E. Home Health Hosted Lunch & Learn at Senior Center
    Dexter, Missouri – Southeast Home Health of Dexter hosted the first of a monthly series of informational and educational events at the Dexter Senior Center recently.  On the first Wednesday of each month they will present a wonderful program geared towards seniors in our community.

    “Our first program was an overview of the services offered by Southeast Home Health,” commented Krystal McGowan, Physical Therapy Assistant.  “We had a great time and introduced all of our staff as well as handed out brochures and of course everyone loved the door prizes.”

    “There were 54 seniors present,” continued McGowan.  “We gave them an overview of our skilled nursing program, physical therapy program, home health aide, speech pathology, occupational therapy, and nutritional counseling, all the services we offer.” 

    Southeast Home Health of Dexter is a service provided to local people who have a medical need that may require the skills of a nurse or a therapist.  Most patients who utilize this service have been recently discharged from a hospital or have had a change in their medical condition.

    Many of the services that are provided by Southeast Home Health are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, private health insurance, VA Insurance, automobile insurance and even Worker’s Compensation Insurance. 

    On Wednesday, April 1st at 11:45 a.m. Southeast Home Health staff will return to the Dexter Senior Center to give a program on "Fall Risks and Home Safety".

    Southeast Home Health is located at 1300 North One Mile Road, Suite 7 in Dexter behind the hospital near the emergency room parking lot and if you would like more information contact them at 573-624-3511.
    /images/2015 Images/SE Health Lunch and Learn.jpg

    The Dexter Senior Center is located at 23 W. Stoddard St. in downtown Dexter.  This event is open to all seniors and additional topics of interest to attendees will be considered for future programs! 

    Please join them for a spectacular informational Lunch & Learn program hosted by Southeast Home Health of Dexter!

    The Senior Center opened in May of 1974 and is a 501© non-profit organization all on donations. 


    Last Updated on March 23rd 2015 by Dee Loflin

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    Southeast Home Health Spotlight; Ruby Hayes
    March 21st 2015 by Staff Writer
    Southeast Home Health Spotlight; Ruby Hayes

    /images/2015 Images/1 Alan/SE Health Spotlight Logo.jpg

    Please tell us something interesting about yourself: 
    I am 101 years old and was driving independently until I was 99 years old.  I fully plan to put out a garden this year at a 101 years of age.  For 20 years, I took a greyhound to California, every year taking a different route to travel and see the United States.  I was in high school during the Great Depression.  We survived by growing our own food and  I was forced to quit high school because I didn't have clothes to wear.

    What made you choose our agency to provide your home health care?
    I was in Southeast Hospital in Dexter.  My son and daughter were so pleased with the care that I received in the hospital, that they continued with Southeast for my home health services.

    What do you enjoy most about home health therapy?
    I have always loved exercise and just really enjoy having a program to follow.

    Please share some of the goals you have for the future and how therapy might help you reach those goals:
    I would like to be able to walk independently with only my cane.  Also I would like to regain enough strength and balance to allow me to enjoy my garden this spring and summer.

    The Home Health Spotlight is a courtesy of the caring professionals of  Southeast Health!  You have a choice in who will provide your home health services.  Remember to request Southeast Home Health of Dexter or contact us at (573) 624-3511 for additional information.

    Last Updated on March 21st 2015 by Staff Writer

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    FREE Colorectal Cancer Screening Seminar
    March 20th 2015 by Dee Loflin
    FREE Colorectal Cancer Screening Seminar

    Dexter, Missouri – SoutheastHEALTH of Stoddard County will present an informational seminar entitled Preventing Colorectal Cancer by Gastroenterologist, Brent Keller, DO. 

    Colorectal cancer is deadly.  Only lung cancer kills more Americans each year than this largely preventable disease.  Colorectal cancer does not discriminate.  This disease affects men and women equally and often those who are diagnosed have experienced no symptoms even though the cancer has become more invasive.

    That’s the bad news.  Here’s the good news.  If everyone age 50 or older had regular colorectal screening tests, at least 60% of deaths from this cancer could be avoided.

    Please join Gastroenterologist Dr. Brent Keller and learn more about what you can do to help prevent colorectal cancer, the importance of screenings, and the latest treatment protocols.  When it comes to cancer, knowledge is power.

    This is a free one-hour seminar with light refreshments to be held at the Dexter Chamber of Commerce on West Market Street, Thursday, March 26th at 6:00 p.m.

    Reserve your seat today at 844-482-5833.

    Last Updated on March 20th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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