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    Southeast Home Health Spotlight; Ruby Hayes
    March 21st 2015 by Staff Writer
    Southeast Home Health Spotlight; Ruby Hayes

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    Please tell us something interesting about yourself: 
    I am 101 years old and was driving independently until I was 99 years old.  I fully plan to put out a garden this year at a 101 years of age.  For 20 years, I took a greyhound to California, every year taking a different route to travel and see the United States.  I was in high school during the Great Depression.  We survived by growing our own food and  I was forced to quit high school because I didn't have clothes to wear.

    What made you choose our agency to provide your home health care?
    I was in Southeast Hospital in Dexter.  My son and daughter were so pleased with the care that I received in the hospital, that they continued with Southeast for my home health services.

    What do you enjoy most about home health therapy?
    I have always loved exercise and just really enjoy having a program to follow.

    Please share some of the goals you have for the future and how therapy might help you reach those goals:
    I would like to be able to walk independently with only my cane.  Also I would like to regain enough strength and balance to allow me to enjoy my garden this spring and summer.

    The Home Health Spotlight is a courtesy of the caring professionals of  Southeast Health!  You have a choice in who will provide your home health services.  Remember to request Southeast Home Health of Dexter or contact us at (573) 624-3511 for additional information.

    Last Updated on March 21st 2015 by Staff Writer

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