Dexter, Missouri – SoutheastHEALTH of Stoddard County will present an informational seminar entitled Preventing Colorectal Cancer by Gastroenterologist, Brent Keller, DO.
Colorectal cancer is deadly. Only lung cancer kills more Americans each year than this largely preventable disease. Colorectal cancer does not discriminate. This disease affects men and women equally and often those who are diagnosed have experienced no symptoms even though the cancer has become more invasive.
That’s the bad news. Here’s the good news. If everyone age 50 or older had regular colorectal screening tests, at least 60% of deaths from this cancer could be avoided.
Please join Gastroenterologist Dr. Brent Keller and learn more about what you can do to help prevent colorectal cancer, the importance of screenings, and the latest treatment protocols. When it comes to cancer, knowledge is power.
This is a free one-hour seminar with light refreshments to be held at the Dexter Chamber of Commerce on West Market Street, Thursday, March 26th at 6:00 p.m.
Reserve your seat today at 844-482-5833.