Local Schools

Bloomfield Senior Lindsey Young
February 11th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield Senior Lindsey Young
Bloomfield, Missouri - Senior night is always a special evening for the families and their athletes.  Tuesday night was no exception as Bloomfield honored 5 seniors on the court.

Lindsey Young, Varsity Cheerleader, is the daughter of Jeremy and Toni Hill.  She has been a Varsity Cheerleader all four years of high school.  She also earned a spot on the 2015 SCAA All Tournament Cheerleading Squad!

She is also a member of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Bloomfield Student Council, BETA Club, Bloomfield Varsity Volleyball team, and Pep Club.

Lindsey's favorite cheer memory is dancing at the championship game of this year's Bloomfield Christmas Tournament.

Her plans after high school are to attend the University of Missouri - Columbia and enlist in the Army ROTC program while majoring in Public Affairs.

Congratulations Lindsey!  You are a 2015 Bloomfield High School senior!

Last Updated on February 11th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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