Local News
Missouri Deer Season Ends with Large Harvest
January 21st 2015 by Dee Loflin

Current-Year Harvest Up Nearly 8,000 From Previous Year!
Jefferson City, Missouri - Missouri’s 2014-2015 deer-hunting closed Jan. 15 with the conclusion of the state’s archery season. The Missouri Department of Conservation reported that the total deer harvest for the current season was 260,552, which is 7,978 more than the 252,574 deer checked during the previous year.
Hunters checked 51,755 deer during the current archery season with top counties being Jefferson with 1,080, St. Louis with 1,063, and Franklin with 1,032. The harvest for the previous year’s deer archery season was 1,248 fewer at 50,507.
The 2014-2015 archery turkey season also closed Jan. 15 with a total of 2,587 birds checked compared to the previous year of 2,546 birds checked. Top counties were Greene with 64, Franklin with 60, and Callaway with 54.
For more information on the 2014-2015 deer harvest, and past-year deer harvest summaries, go online to http://mdc.mo.gov/node/29442.
MDC also reported 14 hunting incidents during the 2014-2015 deer hunting season. Four were fatal and involved a fall from a tree stand, a heater explosion in a deer blind, a gunshot wound from another hunter, and a heart attack while hunting.
Dates for the 2015-2016 firearms deer season are:
Urban portion – Oct. 9 through 12
Early youth portion – Oct. 31 and Nov. 1
November portion – Nov. 14 through 24
Antlerless portion – Nov. 25 through Dec. 6
Alternative-methods portion – Dec. 19 through 29
Late youth portion – Jan. 2 and 3
The 2015-2016 archery deer and turkey season will run Sept. 15 through Jan. 15, excluding the November portion of deer season, Nov. 14 through 24.
Conservation makes Missouri a great place to hunt deer and turkey. For more information, go online to www.mdc.mo.gov.
Last Updated on January 21st 2015 by Dee Loflin