Dexter, Missouri – Have you made that New Year’s Resolution yet? Now is the time for the 2015, yes that’s right 2015 Team Fitness Challenge is BACK! The Regional Healthcare Foundation located at 215 West Grant Street in Dexter, Missouri, hosts the annual fitness challenge.
The Challenge begins on Wednesday, January 14th and runs through April 29th. You may sign-up for the fitness challenge January 14th, 21st and the 28th at the Regional Healthcare Foundation.
Teams of 4 compete to lose the greatest percentage of weight. Weigh-in days are Wednesdays from 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
1st Place Team wins $1,000, 2nd place team prize is $500 and the 3rd place team prize is $250! There will also be a $250 individual prize for the person who loses the most pounds!
There is no fee to participate just stop by and change your life! Participants who weigh in 9 times by March 25th will receive a 2015 Team Challenge T-shirt!
Teams must have a named picked out when they come to sign-up and you can be as creative as you like. Teammates do not have to come and weigh-in at the same time. If an individual still wants to participate, but does not have a team, they will be assigned to a team.
If Dexter Schools are closed due to weather, the Regional Healthcare Foundation office will also be closed. Progress charts are posted weekly by team names and percentage of loss. Individual weights are kept completely confidential. Weekly drawings of various items will be announced and weekly handouts related to health and nutrition will be available.
It’s time to get your team together and lose some weight! This is your year!!
If you have questions contact the Regional Healthcare Foundation at (573) 624-1607 and follow them on Facebook by clicking HERE.