
Dexter Rotarians Provide Donation Building for Gospel Mission
December 23rd 2014 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Rotarians Provide Donation Building for Gospel Mission

Dexter, Missouri – The Dexter Rotary Club works hard all year long raising money for various projects in Stoddard County.  This year they decided to have a Donation Building “box” built for the Stoddard County Gospel Mission.

This was a much-needed item at the Gospel Mission.  They were receiving donations over the weekend and by the time the employees came to work on Monday, many items were broken and scattered across the sidewalk and parking lot.  This way when you donate your gently used items they will be reusable and protected from the rain and snow.

"Thank you so much, Rotary Club of Dexter! We have needed this for such a long time! The box is being used on a daily basis already!!" Kim Slavings, Director of the Stoddard County Gospel Mission told the Rotarians.

The Dexter Rotary Club along with a grant donated more than $2,350 to have the building built by LANCO Portable Buildings.

Several Rotarians came out and help set the building as well as put in a steel plate in the floor that was purchased from Bruce Miller, owner of Specialty Engineering Corporation and fellow Rotarian.

Christian Memorials and Signs of Dexter made the Rotary sign.

Shown in the photo from left to right are Rotarians Gene Weeks, Ken Harris, Phil Ternes, Kim Slavings (Director of the Stoddard County Gospel Mission), Dave Ellinghouse, Danny Talkington, Bill Boone, Barry Winders, Henry Kestner, and Dee Loflin.

There motto as Rotarians is "service above self" and supporting the Stoddard County Gospel Mission is one of many ways they follow the spirit of that motto!

Last Updated on December 23rd 2014 by Dee Loflin

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