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MoDOT Asks Motorists to Rate Missouri's Rest Areas
November 18th 2014 by Dee Loflin
MoDOT Asks Motorists to Rate Missouri's Rest Areas
Jefferson City, Missouri - For many motorists, the rest areas and welcome centers found along Missouri's highways can be a welcome sight during a long drive. Whether you need to stretch your legs, walk the dog, or use the facilities, Missouri's rest areas are there for all travelers' convenience and safety.

The Missouri Department of Transportation wants to make sure all eight welcome centers, 15 rest areas, and 22 truck-only parking sites are clean, safe, and accessible, and they are asking travelers for their input when they stop at these facilities.

"We know thousands of people stop at Missouri's rest areas every day, and we do our best to make sure the sites provide customers with a good experience," said David Belanger, MoDOT's general services manager. "If you stop at any of Missouri's rest areas, welcome centers, or truck-only sites, we would like your feedback on your experience and what we could do to make it better."

Historically, MoDOT has asked rest area visitors to rate their satisfaction on the various amenities of the rest areas through an online survey. Now that feedback can occur instantly, as the department has installed posters at each location with QR codes that will take smart phone users directly to the online survey. Snapping the QR code with your smartphone camera will allow you to submit your comments quickly and easily. The posters are located at all Missouri rest areas, welcome centers and truck-only parking.

Last Updated on November 18th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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