Local Schools

Kindergarten Students Earn Positive Bus Referral Certificates
November 12th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Kindergarten Students Earn Positive Bus Referral Certificates
Dexter, Missouri - Each month students are rewarded with a certificate for their behavior on the school bus!  These are the kindergarten students who earned such recognition.

Shown in the photo are:  Back row Alleigh Gibson, Lucy Pyle, Addison Tipton, Elizabeth Perez, Maliyah Gibson, Zarchary Magouirk, and Saturnino Martinez.

Middle row students are Kayden Hart, Shelbie Griffin, Victoria Hernandez, Dylan Harris, Gracie Barbour, and Andrea Steskal.

Front row students are Dexter Green, Emily Hunter, Evelyn Dvorak, Gabby Orellana, Sean Honeycutt, and Allie Medlin.

Congratulations to all of the students!

Last Updated on November 12th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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