Local Schools

STUCCO Hosts Annual Lock-In for Students
November 04th 2014 by Dee Loflin
STUCCO Hosts Annual Lock-In for Students

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Senior High School Student Council hosted its Annual Lock-In on October 18, 2014. 

The DHS Student Council is an organization that includes students of many different types. They participate in activities that help build self-confidence, school spirit, and a brighter community for the future.

Dexter Senior High School Counselor and Student Council sponsor Jennifer Miller had a night full of fun activities planned for this energetic bunch. They gathered at the high school at 5:30 pm with food and sodas of various sorts, excitedly waiting for the beginning of this festive night. 

After snacking and engaging in conversation, they were split into groups based on the color they were given in the beginning of the week. The students were supposed to deck themselves out in this color from clothing to face paint. After forming these groups, senior and Student Council President Alexis Smith kicked off the event by promoting a flag decorating and creating event for each group.

The groups were told to come up with a mascot and a chant that would be revealed later in the evening. The students played a rotation of games that engaged every member of the group. The students also participated in loads of bond building activities. These activities were plentiful and memorable. The students are eager, even now, for next year's lock in.

This picture includes senior Honey Patel, senior MacKinlee Rodgers, junior Erin Lauters, junior Matney Davis, freshman Macy Cecil, freshman Shelby Smith, freshmen Kylie Smith, freshman Cole Kelley, and  freshman Jake Rice.

Article written by

Dexter High School student Erin Lauters.

Last Updated on November 04th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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