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MoDOT to Allow Overweight Loads of Grain
October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin
MoDOT to Allow Overweight Loads of Grain
Jefferson City, Missouri - Recent heavy rains are hampering farmers' efforts to harvest a bumper grain crop. As muddy fields dry, Missourians must race to draw grain from the fields and get it to market.

At the request of Richard Fordyce, director of the Missouri Department of Agriculture, the Missouri Department of Transportation announced that Missouri grain haulers will be allowed to haul corn, soybeans and other grain crops at heavier than normal weights.

Private and for-hire motor carriers may carry up to 10 percent more than their licensed weight; however, the heavier loads are not allowed to use interstate highways.

Overweight permits are not required for these slightly overweight loads. All other traffic and motor carrier regulations that normally apply remain in place. This waiver is in effect immediately through midnight, Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014. While the waiver is in effect, participating motor carriers are limited to:

A loaded, gross weight no greater than ten percent (10%) above the gross licensed weight of the commercial motor vehicle

Transportation only within the State of Missouri

Drivers must obey all posted bridge weight limits

When crossing a bridge, the driver must restrict the vehicle speed to no more than thirty miles per hour (30 mph) and must center the truck between two lanes of the bridge.

The truck driver must yield to oncoming traffic, and travel on highways other than Missouri interstate highways.

No overweight travel is allowed on Missouri interstate highways.

All travelers are advised to visit the MoDOT Traveler Information Map at www.modot.org for up-to-date road closure information. For more information, call MoDOT Motor Carrier Services at 1-800-877-8499 between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Central time.

Last Updated on October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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Today is National Boss's Day!
October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Today is National Boss's Day!

Each year on October 16th, employees across the United States show appreciation and thankfulness to their boss’s for being kind and fair throughout the year by celebrating National Boss’s Day!

National Boss’s Day, also known as National Boss Day or Bosses Day is a secular holiday that began in 1958.  Patricia Bays Haroski was working as a secretary for State Farm Insurance Company in Deerfield, Illinois when she registered “National Boss’ Day” with the United States Chamber of Commerce.

  October 16 was chosen as it was her father’s birthday.   Patricia was working for her father at that time, therefore making her father, her boss.

It was four years later, in 1962, that Illinois Governor, Otto Kerner, backed Haroski’s registration and officially proclaimed Boss’ day.

In 1979, Hallmark Cards introduced Boss’ Day cards to their inventory.

Happy Boss’s Day to all of the bosses out there!


Last Updated on October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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Flags at Half-Mast Today in Honor of Fallen Firefighters
October 12th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Flags at Half-Mast Today in Honor of Fallen Firefighters


By order of the President of the United States, in accordance with Public Law 107-51, the United States flag at all State and government offices will be flown at half-staff, Sunday, October 12, 2014 from sunrise to sunset in honor of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service.

Fires can take lives, devastate communities, and destroy our homes and businesses. They pose a threat to Americans across our Nation, and they cost us billions of dollars each year. As we mark Fire Prevention Week, we emphasize the importance of taking steps to prevent fires, and we recognize the selflessness of those who answer the call to fight these blazes, placing themselves in danger to help others.

All Americans can protect themselves by taking precautions to guard against fires. This week's theme, "Smoke Alarms Save Lives: Test Yours Every Month," reminds us of the importance of installing and maintaining smoke alarms in the places we live and work. Powerful and unpredictable, fire spreads rapidly and widely. That is why I encourage every American to develop and practice fire evacuation plans that will allow for swift exits from regularly visited places. It is our responsibility to teach our children about fire prevention and do everything we can to protect our loved ones during these emergencies. To learn more about fire safety, visit www.Ready.gov.

year, our Nation has suffered tragic losses as wildfires ravage States across our country. As wildfires increase in frequency and intensity in a changing climate, fire prevention and planning only become more urgent. My Administration continues to take action to increase our Nation's preparedness and resiliency, and every person can do his or her part. Americans who live near woodlands should clear flammable vegetation away from homes and buildings, and everyone can be ready by making an emergency kit and discussing evacuation routes and emergency plans with their families.

We owe a great debt to our brave first responders and firefighters who run toward the scene of a disaster to fight fires. They are heroes who demonstrate courage, determination, and professionalism every day as they battle flames and smoke and teach their neighbors how to protect themselves. During Fire Prevention Week, we recognize our duty to be vigilant and take action to avert fires, and we remember the sacrifices of those who gave their lives so others might live.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States do hereby proclaim October 5 through October 11, 2014, as Fire Prevention Week. On Sunday, October 12, 2014, in accordance with Public Law 107-51, the flag of the United States will be flown at half-staff at all Federal office buildings in honor of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service. I call on all Americans to participate in this observance with appropriate programs and activities and by renewing their efforts to prevent fires and their tragic consequences.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand fourteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-ninth.


Last Updated on October 12th 2014 by Dee Loflin

Road Closures Expected Across Missouri
October 09th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Road Closures Expected Across Missouri
Jefferson City, Missouri - With heavy rain forecasted across the state over the next few days, the Missouri Department of Transportation cautions motorists that some state routes are expected to close due to flooding.  The already saturated creeks and streams are expected to rise with flash flooding conditions across the state.

Current road closures are posted on the department's Traveler Information Map, located at http://www.modot.org/. The majority of flooded roadways are expected on lettered and numbered routes with low traffic volumes.

"MoDOT crews are closely monitoring roadways and are prepared for more temporary closures as the rivers across the state continue to rise," said MoDOT State Maintenance Engineer Beth Wright. "We encourage travelers to visit our Traveler Information Map before hitting the road to check the latest road conditions and closures."

MoDOT offers the following driving tips that can help avoid delays and unsafe conditions during rainy weather:

•Slow down, use caution, and don't use cruise control when driving in rain to avoid skidding and hydroplaning. Leave plenty of following distance.

• When windshield wipers are needed, turn on your headlights. It's the law.

• Never move or drive around barricades placed on roadways due to high water. Barricades are a warning designed to protect you from an unsafe condition. You can put yourself at serious risk if you proceed into a flooded section of road.

• If a road is closed, find another route.

• If a road is covered in flood water but is not closed by a barricade, do NOT drive into the high water. Stop and turn around. Notify local police, the sheriff or the Missouri State Highway Patrol.

•"Turn Around - Don't Drown" as highways become impassable.

MoDOT crews will open roads after the water recedes and routes are cleared for safe travel. For more information, visit http://www.modot.org/ or contact the MoDOT Customer Service Center at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (888-275-6636).

Last Updated on October 09th 2014 by Dee Loflin

It's Fire Prevention Week - Check Your Smoke Detector
October 08th 2014 by Dee Loflin
It's Fire Prevention Week - Check Your Smoke Detector
Fire Prevention Week 2014 -
Stresses Lifesaving Value of Smoke Alarms

'Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives: Test Yours Every Month!’ theme underscores the need for Missourians to install, regularly test smoke alarms for protection from house fires

Jefferson City, Missouri - Installing and maintaining smoke alarms in your home can make the difference between life and death and is why all Missourians are encouraged to use Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 5-11, to make sure their families are protected with smoke alarms.
“People need to understand how crucial smoke detectors are in fire safety and do all they can to have them in the home,” said Acting State Fire Marshal Greg Carrell. “Most home fire deaths occur where there are no working smoke alarms and about half of those deadly fires happen at night when people are asleep.”
Carrell said home fires often grow so quickly and produce so much smoke that people are often overcome before they can respond. Working smoke alarms can alert family members to the danger, providing enough time to safely escape.
To help make sure smoke alarms to work properly, replace smoke detector batteries at least once a year. Doing it at the same time each year, such as the return to Standard Time, when we set our clocks back an hour, makes it easier to remember. This year, Standard Time goes back into effect at 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 2. Smoke alarms should also be installed in every bedroom, outside all sleeping areas and on every level of the home, including the basement. Each device should be tested every month by pushing the test button and replaced as soon as they don’t work properly or when they are 10 years old.
The Division of Fire Safety suggests creating and practicing a family fire safety plan that includes home fire escape routes and establishing a location outside the home where family members are to meet if they become separated.
For more than 85 years, fire departments and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) have observed Fire Prevention Week, making it the longest running public health and safety observance on record. For more information on “Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives: Test Yours Every Month!” visit www.firepreventionweek.org.

Last Updated on October 08th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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