Local Schools

DHS Senior Mr. Dakota Southerland
October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin
DHS Senior Mr. Dakota Southerland
Dexter, Missouri - Dakota Southerland is the son of Gordon and Christina Jarrell.

He is a member of the Dexter Bearcats football team and played his freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years.  He has also played basketball as a freshman and track his sophomore, junior and senior years.  He is an active member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Pep Club, Top 10% his freshman year, and Dexter Honor Society.  He also attended Missouri Boys State.  He was a member of the 2011 Conference and District Championship football teams.

Dakota is undecided as to the college he will attend after graduation, but would like to major in Physical Education and coach high school football.

Seniors who participate in football cheer, football, marching band, cross country, and girls tennis are introduced with their parents prior to the beginning of the last home football game of the season.

Last Updated on October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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DHS Senior Mr. Matt Sims
October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin
DHS Senior Mr. Matt Sims
Dexter, Missouri - Matt Sims is the son of David Sims and Carole Sims.

He is a member of the Dexter Bearcats football team and has played football his freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior year.  He has also played tennis his freshman and sophomore years and track his junior and senior year.  He is an active member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

He plans to attend Missouri State University and major in Physical Therapy.

Seniors who participate in football cheer, football, marching band, cross country, and girls tennis are introduced with their parents prior to the beginning of the last home football game of the season.

Last Updated on October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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DHS Senior Mr. Aaron Sandlin
October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin
DHS Senior Mr. Aaron Sandlin
Dexter, Missouri - Aaron Sandlin is the son of Calvin and Christine Sandlin.

He is a member of the Dexter Bearcats football team and played his freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years.  He also wrestled all four years and ran track three years.  He has been a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Future Farmers of America his freshman and sophomore year.

Aaron plans to attend Lindenwood University and major in Athletic Training while playing football.

Seniors who participate in football cheer, football, marching band, cross country, and girls tennis are introduced with their parents prior to the beginning of the last home football game of the season.

Last Updated on October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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DHS Senior Mr. Caleb Rea
October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin
DHS Senior Mr. Caleb Rea
Dexter, Missouri - Caleb Rae is the son of Billy and Candy Rae.

He is a member of the Dexter Bearcats football team and played his freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years.  He has also wrestled his freshman and sophomore years.  He is an active member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Business Leaders of America, and the Dexter Honor Society.

Caleb plans to attend Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau and major in Athletic Training.

Seniors who participate in football cheer, football, marching band, cross country, and girls tennis are introduced with their parents prior to the beginning of the last home football game of the season.

Last Updated on October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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DHS Senior Mr. Brandon Quertermous
October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin
DHS Senior Mr. Brandon Quertermous
Dexter, Missouri - Brandon Quertermous is the son of Travis and Kelly Quertermous.

He is a member of the Dexter Bearcats football team and has played his freshman, sophomore, junior, and seniors year.  He has also wrestled all four years of high school.  He is an active member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, is vice-president of Future Business Leaders of America, a member of Honors Choir, and Future Teachers of America.

Brandon plans to attend Crowley's Ridge College and major in Business.

Seniors who participate in football cheer, football, marching band, cross country, and girls tennis are introduced with their parents prior to the beginning of the last home football game of the season.

Last Updated on October 16th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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