Local Schools

Miss DHS Candidates Announced
August 27th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Miss DHS Candidates Announced
Written by
Dee Loflin SMT Manager/Writer

Dexter, Missouri – Candidates for Miss Dexter High School have been nominated by senior class members.  Throughout the week the students will vote for Miss Dexter.

Miss Dexter 2014 and her court will be named at 6:30 p.m. Friday evening prior to the Friday night’s football game against the Poplar Bluff Mules. 

Vying for the title are Toni Curran, Rachel Putnam, Courtney Potts, Katie Reiker, Mackinlee Rogers, Shyann Jines, Miranda Rogers, and Jessica Lindsey.

Good luck ladies!  The ShowMe Times will be at the pre-game festivities shooting photos of the Miss DHS candidates and their escorts!  Photos will be available on Saturday.

Last Updated on August 27th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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