Political Blogs

Gov. Jay Nixon Honors Korean War Veterans
July 28th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Gov. Jay Nixon Honors Korean War Veterans

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Missouri - It may be considered by many to be "The Forgotten War", but they will now be honored annually by the state of Missouri.  Now 61 year later, Gov. Jay Nixon proclaimed Sunday (July 27) to be Korean War Veterans Day in Missouri.

A state statute passed in 1989 designates July 27 of each year as a day for Missourians to honor and remember those who served in America’s armed forces during the Korean War. An estimated 50,000 Korean War veterans currently live in Missouri.

Together with their allies from the Republic of Korea and the United Nations, American troops fought against North Korean and Chinese Communist troops from 1950 to 1953. An armistice was signed on July 27, 1953, ending hostilities on the Korean peninsula.

“Last year in Seoul, I visited the memorial to honor the Americans who gave their lives during this war, and the names of more than 900 Missourians are inscribed there,” Gov. Nixon said. “The South Korean people have not forgotten the sacrifice made by Americans to keep their country free, and we should never forget their service on behalf of liberty. I encourage Missourians to particularly show their thanks and respect to our Korean War veterans on this day set aside to give them special honor.”


Last Updated on July 28th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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Jason Smith's Capitol Report - Veterans Affairs
July 28th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Jason Smith's Capitol Report - Veterans Affairs

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8th Congressional District, Missouri - This week's highlights included a trip to Dexter!  Jason spoke with friends at the Stoddard County farm Bureau meeting.  He talked about Right to Farm on the August ballot and his efforts to fight Washington regulations.

Department of Veterans Affairs

Forty-five years after American innovation sent man to the moon, the VA is still processing claims on paper. The Department of Veterans Affairs was created in 1930 and has been reluctant to accept technological and administrative advancements throughout its 84 year history. The result is a backlog that makes the process of seeing a doctor a troublesome or sometimes unnavigable task for our veterans. I am committed to assisting veterans in Southeast and South-Central Missouri who truly deserve a VA that is working for them.

The failings of the antiquated VA have had real and serious consequences for far too long. Wait times of more than three months for the patriots who defend our freedoms is absolutely unacceptable. Once our veterans return home, they should never have to worry about receiving the benefits they have earned. The VA suffers from not only outdated technology, but also burdensome bureaucracy and is overdue for an upgrade.

The men and women who have made sacrifices for our freedoms deserve our immediate action. The House has moved on three key pieces of legislation to deliver relief to our veterans. I cosponsored and voted for H.R. 4031, the Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act and H.R. 4810, the Veteran Access to Care Act. H.R. 4031 gives the Secretary of the VA the authority to hold executives accountable for their failings. H.R. 4810 provides non-VA medical care to veterans who have experienced unacceptable wait times or have to drive more than 40 miles to a VA medical facility. These bills passed in the House, but are still waiting in conference for Senate approval.

I have also cosponsored H.R. 5131, the Act Now for Veterans Act. H.R. 5131 requires the VA to cover private care for Veterans that have to wait more than 30 days from their requested appointment with a VA provider. Our service members put so much on hold while serving our country. When they return, they shouldn't experience delays. It is important that we recognize unreasonable burdens such as long waits and eliminate these barriers for our veterans.

These bills would make targeted and real changes to the VA system, but they cannot be implemented until they are passed by the Senate and sworn into law. Any institution that has been resistant to improvement for 84 years cannot efficiently or effectively help those who rely on its services. The medical needs of our veterans are urgent, and it is our duty to expedite improvements. Our veterans will always come first and I am committed to ensuring they have access to prompt and reliable healthcare services.

Last Updated on July 28th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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Jason Smith's Capitol Report - And Visit to Dexter Queen
July 20th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Jason Smith's Capitol Report - And Visit to Dexter Queen

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8th Congressional District, Missouri - During his State of the Union speech in January, President Obama said he hoped 2014 could be "a year of action." Six months have passed since the President issued his challenge, but leaders in the Senate are still refusing to even hold a vote on common sense bills passed by the House. National news personalities like to refer to Congress as a "do-nothing" body. The truth is, Senate leaders have refused to take up 148 of the 189 bills the House has passed. These are bills that would ease burdensome regulations on small businesses and families, establish America's energy independence and stop ObamaCare.

Like you, I am concerned about federal regulations imposed by the Obama Administration. In the House of Representatives, I am calling for increased accountability. H.R. 367, known as the REINS Act, requires Congressional approval for "major rules" imposed by the Washington bureaucrats. Unworkable rules and regulations should not be forced on individuals, families and businesses. America was founded on a system of checks and balances and Congress must be given the power to do so.

We are blessed to have tremendous natural resources right here in North America. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration and leaders in the Senate refuse to expand American energy production. The House passed H.R. 2231, the Offshore Energy and Jobs Act to expand U.S. offshore production. This legislation would give private industry the ability to create over one million new American jobs, lower energy prices, grow our economy and strengthen national security. The bill removes federal government barriers that block production of our own U.S. energy resources. If leaders in the Senate are serious about jobs, lower gas prices, a stronger economy and less reliance on the Middle East to meet our energy needs, they will pass the Offshore Energy and Jobs Act.

Finally, the House of Representatives has voted over 40 times to repeal President Obama's healthcare law. From the beginning, opposition to ObamaCare has been strong and bipartisan. The law is keeping small businesses from growing and is causing monthly premiums to skyrocket for families who are struggling to make ends meet. The House of Representatives is committed to ending the harmful effects of ObamaCare and replacing the mandate with free-market centered ideas that will actually make healthcare affordable and accessible. Washington bureaucrats should never come between doctors and patients.

The House of Representatives has passed legislation to reign in intrusive government regulations, expand energy production, and end ObamaCare. Leaders in the Senate still have the opportunity to make 2014 a year of action by passing these bills. I urge Harry Reid and other Senate leaders to act.


I am so proud of this great group of students who have been interning in my Washington office this summer. They have done an impressive job assisting my legislative staff and serving the constituents of the Eighth District of Missouri.

Thanks to the crew at the Dexter Queen for a great lunch on Friday! I had the "lotta pig" sandwich. Our congressional district is home to tremendous BBQ!

/images/2014 Images/Dexter Queen Jason.jpg

Last Updated on July 20th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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Featured Speaker at Stoddard County Farm Bureau
July 18th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Featured Speaker at Stoddard County Farm Bureau

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8th Congressional District, Missouri - Congressman Jason Smith will be the featured speaker at the Stoddard County Farm Bureau Meeting in Dexter. 

Smith will talk about his work in the United States House of Representatives.

WHO:        Congressman Jason Smith

WHAT:       Update to Stoddard County Farm Bureau Members

WHERE:    Dexter Eagles,13583 Missouri Hwy 25,

WHEN:       FRIDAY, July 18th from 5:30PM-7:00PM

Last Updated on July 18th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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Sen. Blunt's Staff Will Host Mobile Office in Dexter
July 15th 2014 by Dee Loflin
Sen. Blunt's Staff Will Host Mobile Office in Dexter
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Mark Your Calendar for July 29th

Dexter, Missouri -
U.S. Senator Roy Blunt’s staff will host a Mobile Office on Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 from 11:00am to 12:00pm at the Bootheel Regional Planning Commission.
Mobile Offices are opportunities for Missourians to discuss their questions or concerns with the federal government one-on-one with members of Senator Blunt’s staff.
Senator Blunt’s Columbia office also extends one-on-one service to all Missourians who have an issue with a federal agency or need additional assistance.
To reach the Senator’s Office of Constituent Services, please call at (573) 442-8151 or send a letter to 1001 Cherry Street, Suite 104, Columbia, Missouri 65201.

What:             Senator Blunt's Staff Hosts Mobile Office
When:            Tuesday, July 29th 2014 from 11:00am to 12:00pm CT
Where:           Bootheel Regional Planning Commission
                        105 E. North Main
                        Dexter, MO 

Last Updated on July 15th 2014 by Dee Loflin

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